Nursing Homes

Psoriasis Awareness Month in Nursing Homes

Providing awareness about psoriasis is important, particularly in nursing homes, because it can greatly affect someone’s quality of life. Many nursing home residents are older and more vulnerable, so it is crucial to understand and be aware of this condition.

Thus, it can provide better care, emotional support, comfort, and dignity and reduce stigma. Nursing homes will ultimately become places where residents with psoriasis feel seen, comfortable, and supported. That is because every resident deserves to live with care and dignity, and awareness is the first crucial step to making this a reality.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is when the immune system becomes overactive, and skin cells multiply too quickly. Thus, patches of skin become swollen and rough, often appearing on certain parts of the body, including the scalp, knees, and elbows. However, it may also affect other body parts when least expected.

Scientists are not fully aware of what the cause of psoriasis is, but it often involves a mix of environmental and genetic factors. The symptoms of this disease can go through cycles, which flare for a few weeks or months and then followed by periods when they subside.

Psoriasis can be treated in many ways, depending on the severity of the disease. Ointments or creams may be used for mild conditions, while pills, injections, and light treatments can be used for moderate to severe psoriasis.

Note that this disease may also carry the risk of getting other serious conditions, such as the following:

  • Cardiovascular events
  • Mental health problems
  • Psoriatic arthritis

If not treated accordingly, it can also lead to certain cancers, including Crohn’s disease, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, and liver and kidney diseases.

Psoriasis Awareness Month in Nursing Homes

August is the month of psoriasis awareness, which aims to educate the public about psoriasis and enlighten patients on its causes, treatment methods, and triggers.

The event was first observed as a full-scale national awareness campaign in October 1997. It publicized relevant facts about psoriasis via radio, television, and newspapers. The good thing is that psoriasis can be treated. However, it requires disseminating vital information about every aspect of the disease.

The move to August was due to the many awareness events in October. Another important reason is that this is the time of year when activities, including swimming and sunbathing, that should expose the skin are allowed. Note that the sun has a positive impact on psoriasis. You can observe psoriasis awareness month in nursing homes by doing the following activities.

Donate to the organization.

Psoriasis-centered organizations accept donations to help fund research and aid individuals unable to get proper treatment.

End misinformation in Nursing Homes.

It is important not to spread wrong information about the disease. That is why you should join the campaign. The campaign aims to enlighten people using facts to dispel myths and encourage patients to get proper medication.

Create awareness.

You can raise awareness by posting fliers or volunteering at a psoriasis organization. Observing psoriasis awareness month is important because it raises awareness, dismisses myths, and supports patients, particularly those in nursing homes.

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