Memory Assisted Living

Holiday Planning Guide for Memory Assisted Living

Understanding the unique needs of memory assisted living residents

The holiday season is a time when families come together, a celebration of traditions. It is one of the most wonderful times of the year when warmth, joy, and a sense of togetherness are always looked forward to. However, not all families can celebrate the holidays traditionally, particularly those with loved ones in memory assisted living.

But with innovation and creativity, residents with dementia or Alzheimer’s can still join the festivities. Dementia mainly affects the person’s ability to remember things and dates and communicate. Understanding these unique challenges will help carers, staff, and families to organize social gatherings that will be enjoyable for everyone.

Activities and gatherings must be adjusted to meet the unique needs and challenges of the condition. For example, seniors with dementia can be susceptible to flashing bright lights, loud music, unfamiliar faces, and crowded places. To reduce anxiety, consider using soft and relaxing music and soft lighting and setting up intimate gatherings with familiar people.

Also, consider gatherings earlier in the day as dementia patients are easily agitated due to Sundowner’s Syndrome, a condition that affects dementia patients from dusk to night. If possible, stay within the facility instead of outside celebrations, as traveling can also be challenging, particularly for a person with advanced-stage dementia.

Ensure the environment is comfortable, including the seating arrangement, temperature, and accessibility.  There should be a designated corner, a quiet space for dementia patients to retreat to when things become overwhelming. Do not forget to maintain their schedules and routines to avoid stress.

Tips for creating a joyful holiday atmosphere

Families, carers, and memory-assisted living management must work together to help loved ones celebrate a joyful and meaningful holiday. Here are some valuable tips for an inclusive holiday celebration.

Make a list of your favorite dishes for everyone to feast on. Include your loved one’s favorites and family recipes that evoke memories and emotions. However, this food must also meet the patient’s dietary restrictions. Preparing your holiday menu can also be a great way to strengthen the bond.

Take the time to decorate together with loved ones. Ask about their favorite holiday decorations or what they love about the holidays. Simple questions can open discussions and stories that will stir up emotions. This, too, would make the whole preparation extra fun and enjoyable.

Who doesn’t like holiday songs? Use their favorite songs to uplift your loved one’s emotions. Play and sing familiar holiday tunes to elicit pleasurable reactions such as dancing and singing, improving their mood and cognitive function.

Engaging families in holiday planning in Memory Assisted Living

This activity is crucial to creating a warm, fun, and successful celebration.

Consult with loved ones in memory assisted living about how they would want to celebrate the upcoming holiday. This would not only make them feel valued but also ensure that their preferences and limitations are met.

Involve loved ones in the choices of decorations, holiday themes, and activities. Their suggestions and involvement in decision-making will make the whole process more productive and build connections, leaving everyone happier.

Encourage loved ones to share stories during holiday gatherings to share family history and pass on family traditions. This will not only ensure that precious stories endure for future generations but also be a therapeutic exercise to combat loneliness and depression.

This holiday season is not just about parties and gatherings but also about creating a joyful and comfortable celebration for loved ones in memory assisted living.

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Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper