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Preparing for the Future: Advance Care Planning and End-of-Life Care in Assisted Living

As we age, it’s important to consider our end-of-life wishes and ensure that they’re documented and communicated to those who will be responsible for our care. Advance care planning is a crucial step in preparing for the future, and this process becomes even more important for those who live in assisted living communities. In this article, we’ll explore why advanced care planning is important for those in assisted living and provide some tips on how to navigate this process.

Why is Advance Care Planning Important in Assisted Living?


Assisted living communities provide older adults with the support they need to live independently as they age. These communities offer a wide range of services, including assistance with daily living activities, transportation, and medication management. While these communities support seniors’ physical and mental well-being, they can also pose unique challenges when it comes to end-of-life care.

For example, many assisted living communities to have strict policies around medical interventions and hospitalizations. In some cases, residents may not be able to receive certain types of medical treatment or transfer to the hospital without the community’s approval. This can make it difficult to ensure that residents receive the care they need when they’re at the end of their life.

Additionally, residents of assisted living communities may have limited access to their families or loved ones, which can make it difficult to communicate their end-of-life wishes. Advance care planning can help address these challenges by ensuring that those responsible for care can help identify and document residents’ wishes.

Tips for Advance Care Planning in Assisted Living


Start the conversation early

  • It’s important to have conversations about end-of-life care early on before a health crisis occurs. This can help ensure that they understand and document residents’ wishes to their families and caregivers.


Involve family members

  • Family members can play an important role in advance care planning. They can help ensure that residents’ wishes are documented and communicated to caregivers, and they can also provide emotional support to residents during this process.


Work with a healthcare provider

  • Assisted living communities typically have healthcare providers on staff who can assist with advance care planning. These providers can help residents understand their options and document their wishes.


Consider legal documentation

  • In addition to advance directives and other medical documents, it may be necessary to consider legal documents like a living will or power of attorney. These documents can help ensure that they honor residents’ wishes even if they’re unable to communicate them themselves.


End-of-Life Care in Assisted Living


In addition to advanced care planning, it’s also important to consider the types of end-of-life care that are available in assisted living communities. These communities typically offer a range of services, including palliative care, hospice care, and end-of-life support.

Palliative care focuses on relieving pain and symptoms associated with serious illnesses, while hospice care provides comfort and support to those who are nearing the end of their life. End-of-life support can include emotional and spiritual support, as well as support for family members and loved ones.



Advance care planning is an important part of preparing for the future, especially for those who live in assisted living communities. By documenting their wishes and communicating them to caregivers and loved ones, residents can ensure that they receive the care they need at the end of their life. Additionally, by understanding the types of end-of-life care that are available, residents and their families can make informed decisions about their care and ensure that their wishes are honored.

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper