Assisted Living Facilities

How to Prepare for a Loved One Moving into a Facility for Alzheimer’s

People don’t talk about it as often but having an elderly family member move into facilities for Alzheimer’s is also a very emotional time for a loved one.

Although family members know that this will be inevitable at some point, they may still find it hard to cope and need extra support during this transition.

But how exactly do you prepare for a loved one moving into facilities for Alzheimer’s?

Give them the assurance they need.

The thought of having someone they love to move into a facility for Alzheimer’s can be overwhelming. One of the best ways to make them feel more comfortable with this idea is to offer the assurance that their loved one will be getting the best care possible.

It is where you can discuss what the facility has to offer for its residents, how moving into the facility is the best option for their family members and why they should trust you to take care of their loved ones.

While a lot of family members struggle with this stage, having them understand what you can do for their loved ones will make it easier for them to come to grips with their decision.

Allow them to express their emotions.

Being primary caregivers, they know that Alzheimer’s patients are deteriorating and that they’ll need assistance with even the simplest tasks.

Still, it can be hard for them to let go of their role as primary caregivers.

The best way to help them deal with emotions is to give them the chance to express themselves.

Ask them how they’re feeling. Ask what thoughts are running through their minds, that you could address to make them feel better about the transition.

Let them plan their life after the move.

Taking care of someone for months or years and having them be moved into a facility can take some getting used to. These people already developed a routine as primary caregivers. So, it can be hard for them to adjust to this new freedom.

Having a loved one move into an Alzheimer’s facility is an emotional and psychological process for both parties. So, do what you can to assist loved ones during this difficult transition period. Let them know that you are there to assist them and give them the assurance they need.


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Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Facilities for Alzheimer’s

Celebrating the Month of Love in Assisted Living Facilities

Valentine’s Day is one of the most anticipated holidays in the year even in assisted living facilities. The month of love isn’t just for couples, after all, and there are many ways to make it fun and memorable for the elderly members of the community.

A lot of assisted living facilities around the country have established a tradition of celebrating the month of love. For one, it’s something that seniors can be excited about because it will give them the opportunity to bond with other members of the community.

The management can also organize activities that allow residents to be active while improving their mood.

Here are some fun ideas for celebrating the month of love in these assisted living facilities:

Invite family and friends over.

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to have family and friends over for a picnic lunch or even just an afternoon of tea and cookies. Seniors always long to see the most important people in their lives and there’s no better time than the month of love for them to feel that extra warmth.

You can even tell their loved ones to bring a card or gift for their beloved to really make the event more festive and memorable.

Decorate the facility.

Like Christmas, Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to go all out on decorations to get into the love month mood. You don’t need to spend a lot on décor because there are a lot of DIY ideas that you and your team can follow.

For instance, you can cut up some hearts out of colored paper and hang them around the facility. You can create heart garlands to decorate in different rooms with pops of color.

Bring out the flowers.

Of course, Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be complete without beautiful flowers. Pick up some fresh blooms at the farmer’s market and put them in festive vases.

You can also donate a rose for every resident if you have the budget.

Organize movie night.

Nothing is more romantic than being able to enjoy a good movie over popcorn and some drinks. So, why not organize a movie night for your residents? Pick out a few classic movies and serve some popcorn and drinks to complete the event.

You can also go for a concert night. You can have a band come over or Livestream some classic songs while residents enjoy some desserts.

There’s no better day than Valentine’s Day to show residents in assisted living facilities, like Fallbrook, that they are loved and valued.

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper