Assisted Living Facilities

Summer Activity Ideas for Residents in Nursing Homes

The fine weather and bright sunshine are just some of the reasons many nursing home residents look forward to summer. In fact, there are so many activities that residents in nursing homes can enjoy during this time of year.

The Best Summertime Activities for Nursing Homes


Prepare a picnic.

  • Take advantage of outdoor space with family or fellow residents. Summer is the best time to let the seniors enjoy the outdoors where they can get loads of vitamins from the sun, enjoy a change of scenery, and have fun.


You can go for an afternoon picnic when the sun is not as hot. Prepare a spread for everyone to enjoy and of course, some games and activities that will make this event more meaningful to residents.


Go for a walk.

  • Summer is the perfect time for seniors to get some steps in. Instead of just staying inside their rooms or in communal spaces, residents can enjoy early morning or afternoon walks around the nursing home to give them a boost of energy and improve their bone health.


Go for a swim.


  • If the nursing home has a pool, organizing swimming exercises for residents would be a great time for them to enjoy being in the water while also giving them good exercise without being harsh on their muscles and joints.

Summer Safety Tips for Seniors in Nursing Homes


Limit sun exposure.

  • Although it feels great to be outdoors, staying out for too long could also be dangerous for seniors in nursing homes. When planning activities, make sure to time them when the sun isn’t too hot yet and give residents breaks in between.


Keep residents in nursing homes hydrated.


  • Hydration is key to keeping residents safe and healthy during the summer. Make sure that they drink at least eight glasses of water daily, especially when they’re spending time under the sun. Give them water breaks in between to make sure they’re keeping themselves hydrated even if they don’t feel thirsty yet.


Give time for rest.


  • The heat of the sun and the humidity can easily make residents in nursing homes feel tired. So, give them adequate time to rest and recharge by scheduling and planning activities properly. It’s also very important to make sure that they take their medications and check if they have prescriptions that make them extra sensitive to the sun.

Finally, don’t hesitate to use air conditioning in the nursing home, especially during the peak of summer when the air can get hot. As a facility, it’s essential to put the safety and comfort of residents on top of the priorities, and having air conditioning can really help them stay comfortable during the hot season.

Also, be vigilant for the signs of a heat stroke or any other heat-related illness to avoid or treat them before they get worse.


Looking for excellent care in Nebraska? Click here to learn about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Fallbrook Memory Care Facility

The Importance of Proper Nutrition for Seniors in Alzheimer’s Care Facilities

Alzheimer’s disease still baffles a lot of medical experts. Although it has been studied far and wide, there still hasn’t been any cure for this debilitating disease and unfortunately, the number of people living with Alzheimer’s is increasing fast. But while there’s no cure, there are many ways to help people dealing with the condition, especially those in Alzheimer’s care facilities. One of the most important aspects of this type of care is proper nutrition.

Why Proper Nutrition Matters for Seniors in Alzheimer’s Care Facilities

Food is essential to the survival of humans. But more than that, food also helps to nurture the body and help patients with illnesses to fight their health conditions and recover to better health. However, for residents in Alzheimer’s care facilities, proper nutrition is extra important because:

Nutrition helps to delay the signs of Alzheimer’s.

  • Several studies have proven that proper nutrition together with exercise and a lifestyle change can help delay the cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.


It helps to promote better overall health.

  • Patients in Alzheimer’s care facilities need extra care every day, so they need all the help they can get in maintaining good health and well-being. Proper nutrition plays an important role in achieving this goal, so patients can avoid other complications or health risks that may make life harder for them.


It helps to reduce the risks of Alzheimer’s.

  • Although there’s still no definite cause of why Alzheimer’s can occur in people, several studies have discovered that proper diet and using some supplements can help to decrease a person’s risk of developing one. Essential vitamins such as Vitamin B12, D, and E as well as folic acid are important in the diet if you want to reduce your risks of developing Alzheimer’s.


Nutrition Tips for Seniors in Alzheimer’s Care Facilities


Pack up on protein.

  • Patients in Alzheimer’s care facilities should pack up on protein-rich foods such as lean meat, seafood, and dairy to keep their muscles strong and healthy.


Eat a well-balanced diet.

  • Alzheimer’s care facilities create special meal plans for residents to make sure that they get enough nutrients from their meals every day. Seniors need to enjoy food from different food groups to not only help delay the signs of Alzheimer’s but also to protect them against other conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes.


Drink plenty of water.

  • Of course, hydration will always be an essential part of anyone’s diet and especially those in Alzheimer’s care facilities. Residents are encouraged to drink at least 6 to 8 cups of water daily and avoid sweet and processed beverages.

Alzheimer’s may not have a cure yet, but there are steps to reduce your risks of developing this condition and delay its progression. This is why residents need to eat well during their stay in Alzheimer’s care facilities to make sure that they’re getting the best nutrition. It helps them fight their disease and enjoy a better quality of life for a longer time.


Looking for excellent senior care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper