memory assisted living

Learn To Communicate With a Memory Care Resident

If you think that it is quite challenging to communicate with a memory care resident, then you have come to the right place. This is because memory assisted living is not only a place where you put your elderly loved ones, but also a place where communication is one of the priorities.


When it comes to caring for your loved ones with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, communication is key to make your caregiving journey less stressful. Thus, you must take a few notes on how to communicate effectively without getting frustrated or upset.


Establish a Positive Mood


Be aware that even your non-verbal communication can be used to express your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes this is even more expressive than words. So it is best to set up a comfortable atmosphere when making conversation by speaking to your loved one respectfully and nicely. Not only will you be able to show that you care, but you can also reinforce and convey your message by using a positive mood, proper tone of voice, and physical touch.


Ensure To Get Your Loved One’s Attention


Upon having a conversation, try to avoid noise and distractions. If possible, address them by their name and try to use your name to identify yourself. Moreover, you can use nonverbal cues or physical touch so that you can help them stay involved and focused on the conversation. Remember that memory assisted living also requires interesting conversations to get the attention of your loved one.


State Your Message Clearly


Try to speak slowly when talking to your loved one via a reassuring tone. Make use of simple sentences and words that everyone can understand. Do not raise your voice, even when frustration occurs during conversation.


If your loved one didn’t understand the first time you said something, try to repeat your message with the same wording. You also have to use specific names of places or people when conversing instead of using pronouns or abbreviations. This will all help promote memories and make the communication flow more easily.


Go For Simple or Answerable Questions


Instead of asking too many questions in a row, ensure that you only ask one question at a time and give them time to think and answer. For people with memory issues, it is best to establish questions that would require yes or no answers only. It would also help if you use specific words, making things clearer, easier, and simpler to understand.


Provide Direct and Simplistic Instructions


Try to break down tasks into single steps so that you can make things simple. You may use visual clues and instructions to ensure that he or she understands it.


Make Realistic Expectations


Try to answer with affection and reassurance, but avoid using the word “remember”. At the same time, try not to test their memory too hard at a memory assisted living facility. This could possibly upset them, especially if they are in denial about their condition. You may touch or hold their hands to help them respond if they may not be able to do so.


Use Humor to Neutralize Tension


It has been proven many times that laughter can defuse tense conditions almost instantaneously. Take note that people suffering from dementia tend to retain their social skills even if their memory has been diminished. They may even enjoy laughing along with you when you crack a joke or two.



Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Alzheimer’s Care Facilities

When Is It Time To Move To An Assisted Living Facility?

It is important to spot the signs as to when it is necessary to send a loved one to a nursing homes near me. Not only will this be beneficial to the person you want to be cared for, but also to the caregiver and the family in general.


Over 15 million Americans have been investing endless amount of time into caring for their loved ones with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. The problem with this condition is that sometimes the cost of caregiving becomes too high when the symptoms get progressively worse. Caregivers often bear the burden of providing healthcare at home and also trying to maintain their job. This can be very stressful for caregivers and patients.


Psychologists are here to help you recognize and understand the signs that tell you it may be time to move to an assisted living facility. Thus, it will be useful if you think that your love one needs proper medical attention.




When you see your loved one frequently being into physical, sexual, or violent aggression, then he or she may be showing signs of dementia. In this case, caregivers or family members might suffer or begin to feel annoyed.


Caregiver Stress


Caregiver symptoms such as increased stress could justify the sign of dementia. Thus, it is good to be aware of all of your options as family members. When you are educated and aware, you will be better able to assess when you are ready to send your loved one to an assisted living facility.


Escalating Care Needs


You might consider a couple of conditions that would help you decide when it is time to seek help from professionals. This would include the following:


  • The person’s care needs might go beyond your physical abilities
  • The health risks that might come to the person with dementia or to the caregiver


Home Safety


It is important to the health of your senior family member and to your own health to make sure the home where you are living is safe for them. You must check to see if the person suffering from dementia no longer feels safe in his or her current home. If they do not feel safe, it is the time when you seek nursing homes near me.




People with Alzheimer’s disease often get very agitated, which becomes more obvious later in the day. This condition is considered the Sundowners syndrome. Experts believe that this could put a burden on caregivers, because it could severely disrupt family routines. At this point, care giving burden can be too hard to handle.




There is a greater risk in the latter stages of dementia in which wandering becomes a lot worse. At this point, they can wander even if it was just time to go to the bathroom. Thus, there is a possibility for injuries or falls during these instances.


When there is stress involved in the current condition, then it is time to discuss assisted living options. This is important for everyone involved because caregivers and family members can experience bad symptoms, such as the following.


  • Avoidance behaviors
  • Disabling anxiety
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Hyper-vigilance


These symptoms are attributed not only to pressures of caring for a loved one with dementia, but also to conditions like disrupted eating and sleeping patterns when someone spends much time on caregiving. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities like Fallbrook Assisted Living may be an option for you.



Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper