Alzheimer’s Care Facilities

Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month in Memory Assisted Living

Residents with Alzheimer’s in memory assisted living can take advantage of this initiative, which helps raise awareness and teach people about Alzheimer’s and other brain diseases. This is when residents and families are brought together, providing support and sharing care tips.

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month also focuses on more research and better treatments. At the same time, special activities are organized for residents, who can stay more active and healthy. Moreover, caregivers get useful resources to help them in their roles.

Celebrating this event ensures memory assisted living will continue to commit to providing good care, reducing stigma, and supporting efforts to find better treatments and a cure.

Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month

This celebration is observed in June, providing an opportunity to spread the word about Alzheimer’s and other dementias. People worldwide are encouraged to support this movement by wearing purple and training their brains to fight this disease.

President Ronald Reagan initiated the observance of Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month in 1983. The purpose was to get people to recognize the disease and its different ways of caring for those suffering.

Brain Healthy Activities for Memory Assisted Living

The good thing is that patients can practice healthy habits that maximize the benefits for the brain and body. Here are some of the possible activities for residents suffering from Alzheimer’s and other dementias in memory assisted living.

  • Cardiovascular exercise can help elevate your heart rate and increase the blood flow to the brain and body.
  • Learning new things can help reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. You may consider formal education at a local college, community center, or online.
  • You have to quit smoking because otherwise, it can only increase the risk of cognitive decline.
  • Take good care of your heart because this is the way to a healthy brain. Avoid risk factors for cardiovascular disease and stroke, which include diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.
  • Take good care of your head, as brain injury can be a risk of dementia and cognitive decline.

Brain Game Activities

  • Playing crosswords can also work your brain and keep it healthy. It can provide mental challenges for many people, including seniors experiencing memory loss or symptoms of cognitive decline.
  • Puzzles can also keep your mind engaged while helping you learn new things.
  • Math puzzles like Sudoku are designed to challenge your brain because you must use your problem-solving and analytical skills to solve them.
  • Word search puzzles also provide a fun way to make words without knowing what they mean.
  • Playing video games is a good way to keep the mind active and strong, which can help older people experiencing mental decline. These include games that feature logic, memory recall, and spatial thinking.
  • Chess is another way of helping people think outside the box, stimulating and keeping the brain strong.

The options are endless depending on the creative nature of dealing with patients with Alzheimer’s living in memory assisted living with the help of the people providing the care.


Click here to learn more about memory care at Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Assisted Living Facilities

Celebrating Father’s Day in Assisted Living Facilities

Celebrating Father’s Day in assisted living facilities is very important. It honors the fathers and father figures who have given so much love and support. This special day helps you show how much you appreciate them. It also brings families together, allowing residents to connect with their loved ones and share happy memories.

The celebration makes residents feel happy and valued, improving their emotional well-being. By planning fun activities and creating a joyful atmosphere, assisted living communities show they care about family, making Father’s Day memorable.

Father’s Day Gift Ideas for Dads in Assisted Living

Gift-giving is one of the best gestures of showing love to fathers living in assisted living facilities. Here are some ideas to help you find a suitable piece for your dad or granddad.

  • A custom-made photo album filled with pictures of your family through the years is a great gift.
  • Create a photo puzzle that he can enjoy putting together and cherish during his stay in assisted living.
  • In addition to the material things, you can also take him to dinner at his favorite restaurant.
  • You can bring golf to his home with at-home mini golf sets.
  • You can treat your dad to a relaxing massage to soothe his achy joints or sore muscles.

Father’s Day Activity Ideas

For dads facing cognitive decline, here are some brain smart activities to try:

  • Try the early entry options and prime seating where you and your dad can enjoy such as concerts or professional sports games that will make dad cherish this special day.
  • Tapping into his senses is also one of the best ways to ensure that Dad enjoys his day through his eyes, ears, fingertips, and nose. It can be an event that uses his sense of smell, touch, hearing music, or emotions.
  • You can also rekindle some favorite moments by compiling memories through photographs through a memory collage.
  • Help your old man fulfill his bucket list wishes, which include things he always wanted to do but never had the chance to.
  • Organize a guy’s day out with friends close by so he can truly let loose while you are going with him. This will surely get him to a new light and learn something new with this type of experience.
  • Why not let Dad go back to the past by recreating a particular memory you did together, such as taking a hike, taking a picnic, or going camping?
  • You may also ensure that you are doing this for Dad. So it is best that you let him decide so that you can take the pressure off of doing something unique for your dad.

Remember that most dads love hugs, even though not all of them admit it. So, to make the most of your Father’s Day celebration, you should never underestimate the power of touch, especially for those living in assisted living facilities.


Click here to learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Memory Care Assisted Living

Staying Healthy in Nursing Homes for Diabetes Week

Staying healthy in nursing homes is crucial for enhancing the quality of life for residents. Good health ensures that residents enjoy daily activities, socialize with others, and maintain their independence as much as possible. It also helps prevent or manage chronic illnesses, reduce the need for hospital visits, and improve overall well-being.

That said, regular health checks, a balanced diet, exercise, and mental stimulation are key components of a healthy lifestyle in nursing homes. So, by prioritizing health, nursing homes can create a supportive environment where residents feel better physically and emotionally, leading to happier and more fulfilling lives, which is quite timely for Diabetes Week.

What is Diabetes Week?

Diabetes Week is observed every third week of June each year to raise awareness about the disease and encourage individuals to be open and talk about their experiences.

The sole purpose of raising this type of awareness is to reduce the risk by encouraging lifestyle changes. This week was first established in 1934 by H.D. Wells and R.D. Lawrence, both diabetics.

Raising awareness about this ailment among the general population is quite imperative, considering the magnitude of risk that diabetes poses to the population in the U.K.

Staying Healthy in Nursing Homes

People living in nursing homes should get good nutrition because it is one important aspect of living well with diabetes. Thus, watching what you eat can help keep your condition under control, stay healthy for longer, and improve the quality of your life.

Note that your blood glucose levels can rise depending on certain foods you consume. For people with diabetes, this poses a problem because their bodies are unable to manage these spikes in blood sugar properly.

Therefore, it is important to understand how different nutrients can affect blood glucose levels. You can do this by giving them a balanced blend of high-fiber carbohydrates, healthy fats, and lean protein to maintain stable blood sugar levels and avoid dangerous fluctuations.

The good news is that you can properly manage your blood sugar levels by understanding the importance of a diabetes diet. Consider the following ideas.

  • Whole grains can provide essential nutrients and fiber while helping maintain stable blood sugar levels.
  • Limit or avoid processed foods because they often have hidden sugars, excessive sodium, or unhealthy fats.
  • Lean proteins, such as fish, legumes, skinless poultry, and tofu, can help regulate blood sugar levels and promote satiety.

For best results, you can help patients in nursing homes attain a healthy blood sugar level by consulting a registered dietitian or healthcare professional who can provide personalized advice on blood sugar goals, health, and medication. They can also help you devise a meal plan that will suit your preferences and ensure you can manage an optimal blood sugar level.


Looking for exceptional senior care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Assisted Living Facilities

How to Celebrate World Environment Day in Fallbrook Assisted Living

Celebrating World Environment Day in Fallbrook Assisted Living is a wonderful way to engage residents in meaningful activities while promoting environmental awareness. This special day can be marked by organizing eco-friendly activities such as planting flowers or trees, creating recycled crafts, and discussing the importance of ecological conservation.

Residents can participate in educational sessions about sustainability and enjoy nature walks to appreciate the beauty of their surroundings. You can celebrate World Environment Day in Fallbrook assisted living communities by fostering a sense of purpose and connection to the world, encouraging residents to contribute to a healthier planet and enjoy the benefits of a greener environment.

What is World Environment Day?

The essence of this day is to encourage everyone to protect their natural surroundings. An estimated 7 million deaths occur each year due to air pollution, and the majority of these cases happen in the Asia-Pacific region.

This is the day when people are urged to promote worldwide activism to condemn acts detrimental to the environment. Thus, World Environment Day is a global celebration and a platform for public outreach.

Ways to Celebrate in Fallbrook Assisted Living

Several activities can be done to celebrate World Environment Day in Fallbrook assisted living facilities. Here are some ideas if you are thinking about the environment.

  • You can plant trees in large containers or pots if green space is an issue.
  • Stop drinking bottled water using metal bottles you can keep and reuse.
  • Establish a walking club within your facility to have residents walk more to celebrate World Environment Day.
  • Host a fun kite-flying contest for residents in the backyard. They can decorate the kites you provide on your backyard patio or within the Fallbrook assisted living.
  • Utilize reusable bags so you don’t have to use plastic bags. You can do this by providing residents with tote bags so they can decorate and make it an attractive way of saving the environment.

On the Simpler Side

  • Bird watching and nature walks are great ways to appreciate nature and the surrounding environment.
  • Planting some trees or gardens is possible by participating in activities within the community.
  • Upcycling and recycling are great ways to get creative with community projects. You can turn daily items into something new and useful, reducing environmental waste.
  • Listening to talks or watching a movie about important environmental topics is a great way to learn and discuss similar issues with others.
  • Join a clean-up drive in your community wherein you can join your neighbors doing a community clean-up day.

Anyone can celebrate World Environment Day in small ways, particularly seniors living in Fallbrook assisted living. By focusing on community engagement and meaningful activities, you can begin rehabilitating the environment.


Looking for excellent care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper