Senior Housing

Investing in Emotional Wellness While Living in Senior Housing

Some might be skeptical that emotional wellness can hardly be achieved in certain facilities, especially in senior housing. The good news is that it is achievable, given the right management tools. Investing in emotional wellness while living in senior housing enhances residents’ quality of life and overall well-being. Likewise, providing activities like group social events, creative outlets, and relaxation spaces can foster connection and purpose.

In addition, emotional support from staff and peer interactions can also help reduce feelings of isolation or anxiety. Thus, encouraging mindfulness practices, offering mental health resources, and promoting physical activity can boost their mood and mental clarity. That being said, senior housing communities will be able to create a nurturing environment where residents feel valued, engaged, and supported, improving their ability to enjoy daily life and maintain a positive outlook as they age.

Emotional Wellness Month

Not everyone is aware that emotional well-being can greatly affect overall health. Emotional and mental stress can result in negative physical reactions, poor health, and a weakened immune system.

That is why emotional wellness is important. It allows you to process feelings in a healthy and positive way, allowing you to manage the daily stresses of life. You can do this by trying to do a soothing activity such as yoga or meditation to slow down or clear your mind.

October is an opportune time to take charge of your emotional wellness and find some soothing activities you can enjoy. Note that maintaining a healthy emotional balance can help you make healthy choices. At the same time, it can help you navigate relationships and keep yourself motivated.

Maintaining balance and calm is one way of dealing with daily stressors. Thus, the month of October is dedicated to Emotional Wellness Month to remind everyone, particularly those in senior housing, to disconnect and take time out for their brains.

Promoting Emotional Wellness in Senior Housing

You can promote emotional wellness by adhering to the following suggestions:

  • Staying connected is critical to avoiding isolation and feelings of loneliness, which can lead to serious health issues.
  • Practicing positivity is another way to increase your positive emotions
  • Learning the skills to cope to improve your resiliency during challenging times
  • Getting better sleep is as essential because it can impact your mood and the ability to make good decisions

In addition, you can improve your overall emotional wellness and mindfulness by following these tips.

  • Building resilience is essential as it enhances your coping skills
  • Reducing and managing stress by eating well, removing stressors, staying hydrated, and exercising regularly
  • Getting quality sleep to ensure high-quality rest for older adults
  • Strengthening social connections to lead a healthy life, both mentally and physically
  • Practicing mindfulness to take control of your feelings and reduce the impact of anxiety, stress, and worry

National Emotional Wellness Month is a perfect time to focus on senior housing residents’ mental wellness. You can help improve their mental health by ensuring a fulfilling and happy life.

  • Keeping them socially connected
  • Engaging them in intellectual stimulation by keeping their mind active
  • Exercising regularly has many benefits for mental wellness
  • Fostering a sense of purpose can also help loved ones enhance their mental well-being and have a deeper meaning in life

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Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Alzheimer’s Care Facilities

National Depression Education and Awareness Month in Alzheimer’s Care Facilities

National Depression Education and Awareness Month enables Alzheimer’s care facilities to highlight the often-overlooked connection between depression and dementia. During this time, staff are educated on recognizing signs of depression, which can be very difficult to detect in patients with cognitive decline. The month commemorates promoting better screening practices and ensuring early intervention and treatment. In addition, it will raise awareness among families, helping them understand behavioral changes and emotional needs.

National Depression Education and Awareness Month

You might not be aware that depression can wear you out when you need all your strength the most. Thus, it may become so highly tiring to try to cope. In this case, what others are suffering is difficult to determine most of the time.

During National Depression Education and Awareness Month, people learn how to determine the signs, symptoms, and treatment options of depression. This also enables people to know how to seek help from a counselor, trusted companion, or their community.

You can observe this occasion by contacting friends, family, and community members. Moreover, you may want to share your story about your struggles with depression. This can help others learn that they are not alone in this fight.

Additionally, educating others is one of the best ways to help them understand the common symptoms and impact of depression. The more knowledge you have, the better you may be able to recognize someone needing your support and love.

Depression and Alzheimer’s in Alzheimer’s Care Facilities

It’s worth noting that depression is common among those suffering from Alzheimer’s, particularly during the early or middle stages. However, treatment is available, which can also significantly affect your quality of life.

Among the symptoms of depression, the most common are apathy, isolation, impaired thinking, loss of interest in hobbies or activities, social withdrawal, and trouble concentrating. That said, people suffering from Alzheimer’s find it hard to articulate their sadness, guilt, and hopelessness, as do other feelings associated with depression.

Note that people with dementia commonly have depression, which makes it harder to live. Moreover, it can cause problems with thinking and memory even worse. You might think that most people feel sad or low at times, but it is not similar to being depressed. People who are depressed feel low but for a longer period while struggling to do daily activities and tasks.

Likewise, there is increasing proof that suggests the connection between depression and Alzheimer’s disease. Depression can be a risk factor that will aid in the development of Alzheimer’s disease as you grow older.

It is pretty challenging at times for doctors to diagnose depression in patients with Alzheimer’s disease because they have similar symptoms. That being said, it will require thorough evaluation by a skilled professional or in Alzheimer’s care facilities that offer related services.

Treatment for depression with Alzheimer’s disease, however, often involves a combination of daily life adaptations, medicines, and therapy. A person can contact a medical professional right away if there are any symptoms of depression or other changes in behavior.


Looking for excellent senior care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Fallbrook Memory Care Facility

Critical Illness Awareness Month in Fallbrook Memory Care Facility

In a memory care facility, commemorating Critical Illness Awareness Month is a chance to promote compassion, understanding, and support. Educational seminars for staff and relatives can increase awareness of the difficulties faced by residents with critical conditions. Straightforward, participatory activities like memory exercises and relaxing therapies enhance emotional well-being. Working with medical specialists in a Fallbrook memory care facility can yield insightful information and helpful resources for improved care management. The month’s celebration can emphasize the value of individualized care while honoring the resiliency of residents and caregivers by emphasizing empathy and education. This will foster a supportive and caring atmosphere for all parties involved.

Critical Illness Awareness Month

You must know that the number of Americans suffering from stroke or heart attack every year is comparable to cancer diagnoses and other critical illnesses. October is a timely occasion to celebrate Critical Illness Awareness Month because it provides information about preventing, treating, and providing patient care for those affected by the disease.

The goal of Critical Illness Awareness Month is to increase public awareness of severe illnesses like cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other ailments that can be fatal. The main goals are to raise public awareness of the effects of these diseases, encourage early detection, and support impacted individuals.

It also highlights the significance of appropriate medical attention, available treatments, and financial preparation, which includes critical sickness insurance. Advocacy groups frequently organize activities and campaigns throughout this month to disseminate information, share firsthand accounts, and raise awareness of the psychological and physical toll that chronic illnesses take on patients and their families.

Critical Illnesses and Fallbrook Memory Care Facility

There are studies about critical illness that involved survivors having prolonged and disabling forms of cognitive impairment. That said, patients in medical and surgical intensive care units are at high risk for long-term cognitive impairment. Note that dementia is a terminal disease that may lead to progressive cognitive and functional decline. So, the incidence of dementia in older adults in the hospital increases as the elderly population continues to rise. This is associated with poor short-term and long-term outcomes.

With that being said, delirium is connected with an accelerated cognitive decline in hospitalized patients with dementia. However, it can be managed by doing accurate and early diagnosis. There is a lack of evidence-based management guidelines in the setting of critical illness and dementia. So, management must define goals early on when dealing with hospitalized elderly and using palliative care and hospice when necessary.

Furthermore, there were findings that hospitalization will increase the risk of subsequent diagnosis of dementia. There are different illnesses independently associated with dementia, such as severe sepsis, acute dialysis, and neurological dysfunction.

Facilities can help manage patients with critical illnesses through a comprehensive, person-centered approach and combining specialized care for physical and cognitive health needs.

  • Providing personalized patient care
  • Involving specialists in providing integrated medical care
  • Prioritizing pain management and comfort care from palliative care teams
  • Managing prescriptions to make sure patients get proper dosages
  • Providing emotional support and communication
  • Conducting specialized training for staff
  • Ensuring adequate nutrition and hydration
  • Involving family in the care process
  • Facilities must be able to handle end-of-life care

Learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living by clicking here!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Memory Care Assisted Living

Falls Prevention Awareness Day in Memory Care Assisted Living

Falls Prevention Awareness Day is important for memory care assisted living facilities. This day focuses on keeping residents safe by reducing the risk of falls, a common concern for older adults with memory problems. On this day, caregivers can check the living spaces, ensuring they are free of hazards and easy to move around. Simple actions like clearing walkways, adding handrails, and ensuring proper lighting can make a big difference.

Falls Prevention Awareness Day

Fall is fast approaching, and the beginning of the season is identified as Falls Prevention Awareness Day to signify the seriousness of the matter. Falls are a leading cause of injury-related emergency department visits. Thus, this day addresses the importance of focusing on this public health issue.

Please take note that falls can be more dangerous than they might seem, such as causing bruises, hip fractures, and head injuries. Thus, these accidents are potentially fatal, particularly for older people, which also means they need extra attention to ensure their protection.

As people age, many of their faculties start to deteriorate. That said, eyesight can become poorer, while muscles and coordination weaken. One way of helping them during this phase of their lives is to provide a personal emergency response system.

You can observe Falls Prevention Awareness Day by spending time with the elderly. During this day, you can do a lot of education-based activities to share with older adults. Likewise, you may become an activist for the elderly by looking around your home and community to find out how the environment can affect them.


How to Prevent Falls in Memory Care Assisted Living

To provide a safer environment, avoidance or prevention of falls can be managed. Thus, families can help manage the risks of falls, particularly in memory care assisted living communities. If families want to make residents feel more at home by bringing personal items, it is important to note that some of them can pose a risk for falls.

  • Design a safe living space to prevent falls
  • Doing exercises as an intervention for fall prevention
  • Providing interventions for falling out of bed
  • Giving interventions to reduce the risks of transfers

It is essential to consider that falls are commonly the leading cause of injury-related deaths among adults 65 years and older. Here are standard fall preventive solutions in memory care assisted living environments.

  • Conduct an assessment of the place for the risk of falls
  • Promote the conduct of regular physical fitness among seniors
  • Use modern technology to monitor the health of residents
  • Determine and avoid hazards to the living environment of the patients
  • Provide vitamin D supplements to increase resistance from falls by preserving muscle strength

Facilities can also organize activities that help residents stay solid and balanced, such as gentle exercises or physical therapy sessions. Educating staff and residents about preventing falls is key to creating a safer environment. By paying attention to these details on Falls Prevention Awareness Day, memory care facilities can help protect residents, giving them and their families peace of mind.

Click here to learn all about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Assisted Living

Blood Cancer Awareness Month in Assisted Living

Blood Cancer Awareness Month focuses on blood cancers like leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. For those in assisted living, this occasion highlights the importance of support in managing daily challenges. Assisted living provides crucial help with medication, treatments, and emotional support, ensuring residents with blood cancer maintain a good quality of life.

It also highlights caregivers’ pivotal role, as they work closely with doctors and nurses to provide comprehensive care. Most of all, it raises awareness and understanding of the needs of blood cancer patients in these communities. Simple actions like donating, sharing information, or supporting someone undergoing treatment can make a big difference.


What is Blood Cancer Awareness Month? | Assisted Living

September is declared Blood Cancer Awareness Month to support patients affected by the disease. It also promotes awareness and raises funds for research on blood cancer. Despite the advancement of treatment for this disease over the years, with increasing survival rates, there is still a lot of work needed.

That being said, the occasion aims to increase fundraising efforts aside from raising awareness for everyone. In response to the need for treatment and prevention of the disease, the U.S. Congress has designated September as Blood Cancer Awareness Month.


Common Signs, Symptoms, & Types in Assisted Living

Different ways exist to diagnose and treat blood cancers, such as leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. However, these types of cancers have one thing in common: they mostly start in the bone marrow.

Common signs and symptoms

Here are common signs of blood cancers that you and your loved ones in assisted living need to get familiar with.

  1. Chest pain and coughing are possibly caused by the build-up of abnormal blood cells in the spleen.
  2. Frequent infections are caused by the lack of white blood cells to counter routine pathogens.
  3. Chills, fever, and a lack of white blood cells lead to more frequent infections.
  4. Unexpected bleeding, bruising, or rash due to the lack of platelets that help blood clot.

Other signs include itchy skin, loss of appetite or nausea, and night sweats. On the other hand, those with blood cancer can experience persistent weakness and fatigue, shortness of breath, and some swollen, painless lymph nodes found in the armpits, groin, and neck.

What to do if you are suspecting symptoms

If you have the symptoms described earlier, you don’t have to worry because it may not be blood cancer. However, it is essential to know what is causing the symptoms. That said, you can immediately consult an expert and get medical help. Residents of assisted living facilities also need to be vigilant for the signs and symptoms of blood cancer.

Note that blood cancers are serious illnesses, whereas other types can be more deadly. Different survival rates exist for each of the three types of blood cancers. However, many people with blood cancer are expected to survive as long as others. Healthcare providers can diagnose blood cancer with help from your family members and medical history. This can be useful to diagnose blood cancer, along with several tests you must undergo.

Looking for excellent senior care in Nebraska? Click here to learn about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Alzheimer’s Care Facilities

Recognizing World Alzheimer’s Month in Alzheimer’s Care Facilities

World Alzheimer’s Month is a particular time for Alzheimer’s care facilities to focus on awareness and support. During this month, care homes can organize activities that help residents with memory issues and bring families closer together. It’s also a chance for caregivers to show extra kindness and understanding, ensuring everyone feels cared for and respected.

Facilities can use this month to educate the community about Alzheimer’s, helping people learn about the condition and the importance of early help. By talking openly and sharing information, care homes can help reduce fears and misunderstandings about Alzheimer’s. Celebrating World Alzheimer’s Month helps residents feel valued and provides families and caregivers with the support and knowledge they need.


World Alzheimer’s Month

The entire month of September is dedicated to World Alzheimer’s Month, aimed at raising awareness of the disease. Since its discovery, it has been known as the most common form of dementia, potentially affecting 6% of people 65 years old and older. However, it is not a disease commonly found among older people because it is not a normal part of aging. Thus, scientists suspect that the disease must have been a combination of many factors.

Since there is no cure yet for Alzheimer’s, experts believe that the risks can be reduced by lowering blood pressure, exercising, and not smoking. You can participate in this event by spreading the information to others, such as printing and distributing material.

You can also make a donation to gain more support for this worldwide campaign. Likewise, you are not limited to monetary assistance because you can volunteer at an event or participate in clinical trials.


Warning Signs of Dementia

Warning signs need not be dreadful but are initial symptoms that may lead to Alzheimer’s. So, you need not ignore them when you notice any of the following signs.

  • Memory loss disrupts daily life.
  • Challenges or hindrances to planning and solving problems
  • Hard to complete familiar tasks
  • Finding it difficult to know the time or place
  • Hard to understand visual images and spatial relationships
  • Getting hard to speak or write words
  • Finding it difficult to retrace steps when losing or misplacing things
  • Having poor judgment
  • Getting uninterested in work or social activities
  • Becoming very irritable when a routine is disrupted or changed

You may consult an expert about Alzheimer’s and find out how to manage it.

Importance of Alzheimer’s Care Facilities

The most important thing about Alzheimer’s care facilities is that they can provide the right care and understanding to patients who may not be able to cope with their condition within their homes. Here are some benefits they can get in these memory care facilities.

  • Giving a secure location to keep residents safe and providing caregivers peace of mind
  • Providing social engagement and physical activity or exercise that can be so useful in slowing down the progression of dementia
  • Getting personalized care, such as bathing, dressing, and medical management and help with ADLs
  • Getting access to healthcare professionals, including psychiatrists and physical therapists
  • Providing care by staff with specialized dementia-specific training
  • Having an improved diet, particularly if the person with dementia was previously living alone
  • Allowing family members to get back to being a son, daughter, or spouse

Looking for excellent care in Nebraska? Click here to learn about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Assisted Living

Celebrating Grandparents Day in Senior Housing

Grandparents Day is a time to honor the wisdom, love, and joy grandparents bring into your life. For those living in senior housing, this day is significant. Senior housing provides a supportive environment where older adults can live comfortably and enjoy social activities with others their age.

Celebrating Grandparents Day in these communities can be simple but heartfelt. Family visits, video calls, or thoughtful cards can brighten their day. Many senior housing communities also organize special events, like social gatherings or entertainment, to make the day memorable for everyone.

Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day is significant for grandparents and grandchildren, who have a special connection or unbreakable bond. In fact, it has been observed that grandparents live longer due to this bond, and children become more emotionally resilient.

Moreover, this day is an opportunity to treasure this connection and spend quality family time with them. This occasion started in 1969 when a child wrote a letter to then-U.S. President Nixon to declare this day a way to celebrate grandparents. The request received a positive response and was recognized nationally.

Grandparents Day is also a way to raise awareness among youth about the importance of seniors and their contributions throughout history. Thus, the youth are urged to adopt a grandparent and learn more about their lives, desires, and challenges for the future.


Celebrating in Senior Housing

Grandparents Day can be celebrated in many ways. It is a vital connection to the past, as grandparents pass on important family traditions and life stories for grandchildren to cherish in adulthood.

  • Send a home card because grandparents love it
  • Create a photograph craft
  • Share a hobby you can enjoy either with Grandpa or Grandma
  • Learn a new skill with your grandparents
  • Sit down for a precious meal with them during lunch, dinner, or barbecue

Grandparents also play an essential role in many families. Thus, every family has its way of sharing their history and traditions. So, celebrating this day can vary depending on the level of experience they have with their grandparents. That said, you can celebrate the occasion with the following options.

  • Cooking together your grandmother’s favorite meal
  • Share some golden stories with your grandparents
  • Give a gift they will surely love from their once little grandchild
  • Bring them to an excursion around town and visit your most loved places together
  • Enjoy the day by doing a preferred hobby, such as fishing or watching movies
  • Connect with grandparents by keeping them in touch with their loved ones
  • Celebrate Grandparents Day within the senior housing facilities

It is important to recognize grandparents’ role in your lives and let them know they’re appreciated. Whether in person or from afar, showing them love and care on Grandparents Day can make them feel valued and connected. Even small gestures can bring a lot of happiness, particularly to those in senior housing facilities.

Looking for senior living with a great sense of community? Click here to learn about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Nursing Homes

Psoriasis Awareness Month in Nursing Homes

Providing awareness about psoriasis is important, particularly in nursing homes, because it can greatly affect someone’s quality of life. Many nursing home residents are older and more vulnerable, so it is crucial to understand and be aware of this condition.

Thus, it can provide better care, emotional support, comfort, and dignity and reduce stigma. Nursing homes will ultimately become places where residents with psoriasis feel seen, comfortable, and supported. That is because every resident deserves to live with care and dignity, and awareness is the first crucial step to making this a reality.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is when the immune system becomes overactive, and skin cells multiply too quickly. Thus, patches of skin become swollen and rough, often appearing on certain parts of the body, including the scalp, knees, and elbows. However, it may also affect other body parts when least expected.

Scientists are not fully aware of what the cause of psoriasis is, but it often involves a mix of environmental and genetic factors. The symptoms of this disease can go through cycles, which flare for a few weeks or months and then followed by periods when they subside.

Psoriasis can be treated in many ways, depending on the severity of the disease. Ointments or creams may be used for mild conditions, while pills, injections, and light treatments can be used for moderate to severe psoriasis.

Note that this disease may also carry the risk of getting other serious conditions, such as the following:

  • Cardiovascular events
  • Mental health problems
  • Psoriatic arthritis

If not treated accordingly, it can also lead to certain cancers, including Crohn’s disease, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, and liver and kidney diseases.

Psoriasis Awareness Month in Nursing Homes

August is the month of psoriasis awareness, which aims to educate the public about psoriasis and enlighten patients on its causes, treatment methods, and triggers.

The event was first observed as a full-scale national awareness campaign in October 1997. It publicized relevant facts about psoriasis via radio, television, and newspapers. The good thing is that psoriasis can be treated. However, it requires disseminating vital information about every aspect of the disease.

The move to August was due to the many awareness events in October. Another important reason is that this is the time of year when activities, including swimming and sunbathing, that should expose the skin are allowed. Note that the sun has a positive impact on psoriasis. You can observe psoriasis awareness month in nursing homes by doing the following activities.

Donate to the organization.

Psoriasis-centered organizations accept donations to help fund research and aid individuals unable to get proper treatment.

End misinformation in Nursing Homes.

It is important not to spread wrong information about the disease. That is why you should join the campaign. The campaign aims to enlighten people using facts to dispel myths and encourage patients to get proper medication.

Create awareness.

You can raise awareness by posting fliers or volunteering at a psoriasis organization. Observing psoriasis awareness month is important because it raises awareness, dismisses myths, and supports patients, particularly those in nursing homes.

Learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living by clicking here!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Memory Care Assisted Living

National Patient Advocacy Day in Memory Assisted Living

National Patient Advocacy Day highlights the importance of supporting residents with memory impairments like dementia and Alzheimer’s in memory-assisted living. It promotes awareness about patient rights and the need for compassionate care. This day emphasizes the role of advocates who ensure that residents receive proper medical attention, emotional support, and respect. By recognizing this day, caregivers, families, and healthcare professionals consider the critical need for empathy, effective communication, and personalized care plans. It’s a call to action to improve the quality of life for those living in memory-assisted facilities.

What is National Patient Advocacy Day?

This celebration aims to give significance to the services provided to residents with memory impairments in memory-assisted homes. Every 19th day of August of each year focuses on raising awareness regarding healthcare facilities services.

Understandably, today’s healthcare system can be complicated and confusing at times. Likewise, hospitals and healthcare personnel are overloaded and tasked with jobs that take time away from patient care. Thus, patient advocates have come to the rescue by organizing this event to assist patients with issues with their healthcare coverage. Such may include filling out enrollment and eligibility documents.

Celebrating in Memory Assisted Living

August 19 is a holiday established by the Society of Healthcare Consumer Advocacy to raise awareness of the service advocates provide for patients’ rights and needs. This advocacy has existed since ancient Greece and still plays a role in improving healthcare systems worldwide.

Show appreciation to the hardworking advocates by celebrating their dedicated service. This will ensure everyone can benefit from the quality care they deserve.

Volunteering at a healthcare facility

You can spend the holiday by giving back through volunteer work at a nearby healthcare facility.

Organizing an educational event in Memory Assisted Living

This is one of the many ways to raise awareness about patient advocacy. Other options include hosting a panel discussion, inviting guest speakers, or creating informational materials that you can share with others.

Campaigning via social media

You can also celebrate by spreading the message through a social media campaign. Use hashtags and share resources to inform others about the significance of advocating for patients’ needs and rights.

Honoring a patient advocate in Memory Assisted Living

You can honor a patient advocate by giving thanks as they have made a difference in your life or others. Moreover, you can share their story and recognize their efforts to improve healthcare for all patients.

Attending patient advocacy event

Find patient advocacy events to attend to learn more about the current trends, issues, and best practices in the field. This is only one of the many great ways to connect with other advocates and become part of a bigger movement for change.

National Patient Advocacy Day is an important occasion as it raises awareness of patients’ rights. Moreover, it offers a voice for marginalized patients and honors those who dedicate their lives to advocating for them.

Learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living by clicking here!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Senior Housing

Aged Care Employee Day in Facilities for Alzheimer’s

If you want to honor and celebrate the dedicated professionals working in facilities for Alzheimer’s, the Aged Care Employee Day is the perfect time. It is important to recognize their hard work because they play a crucial role in the lives of those living with Alzheimer’s, providing care, compassion, and support daily. This occasion is a good opportunity to celebrate and thank them for their unwavering commitment to your loved ones suffering from Alzheimer’s.

What is Aged Care Employee Day?

The 7th day of August each year is considered Aged Care Employee Day, which is celebrated for workers who care for the elderly in Azhemeir’s facilities. Caring for elderly residents living through challenging times requires patience, skill, and heart.

This day serves as a gesture of appreciation for the care workers, chefs, cleaners, drivers, nurses, and volunteers. They are always there in times of need to ensure that seniors receive the assistance and company that they need.

You might worry if your loved ones are in an aged care facility such as a retirement home. But you should know that upon admission, it is the facility’s responsibility to provide them with the best care. The facility workers ensure your loved one will spend their golden years in a warm and welcoming environment.

How to Celebrate in Facilities for Alzheimer’s

It is important to understand how this day means so much to aged care service workers. Their journey to aged care often comes from a personal experience caring for the ones they love. By choosing to be in the lives of those who need assistance, they make a positive difference in their overall quality of life.

This day is an opportunity to express appreciation for the hard work, love, and sacrifice they bring to their profession. Furthermore, it is the day to acknowledge the challenges they face and the emotional weight they carry. That said, it is worthwhile to celebrate the remarkable dedication and compassion that define the essence of their profession.

Make a gift for aged care employees.

You can provide a gift of any kind to the facility’s care staff. This can be made possible by allowing residents in facilities for Alzhemeirs to make these gifts for them. Making gifts can be so much fun. Residents can showcase their artistic ability by creating note cards with pictures or pre-drawn greeting cards that they can use to come up with artistic designs that aged care employees will love and cherish.

Give a gift to facilities for Alzheimer’s

You can also host a fun awards ceremony to honor them. At the same time, residents can be given food-baking activities to give as gifts to the employees.

Become the gift on Aged Care Employee Day

You can also set up stations throughout the facility so care staff can refuel on fun snacks. They will be so happy to know how often they can make a bowl of oatmeal or coffee whenever needed.

Learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living by clicking here!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper