Memory Care Assisted Living

Fun Labor Day Activities for Memory Assisted Living Residents

Labor Day is not just about honoring the great Americans who dedicated their lives to build a better America that today’s generation has enjoyed. It is also remembering the seniors, especially in memory assisted living facilities who worked hard in their individual roles for the betterment of our community.

Apart from the fun activities, food, and socialization, Labor Day is an excellent way to stimulate the brain of our senior loved ones. Looking back on their younger years and the days of hard work can bring so many good memories which is a cheap yet effective brain exercise.

If you have been looking forward to this National holiday, here are some fun activities that the whole family can enjoy.

Host a Mini Party at Your Memory Assisted Living Facility

Gather your senior loved one along with other senior residents in the backyard for a barbecue or tea party. Regardless of your choice, this is a perfect opportunity to spend quality time in nice warm weather.

Prepare tables and chairs under a shade and cold drinks so seniors stay hydrated and cool while outdoors.

Apart from BBQ or cookies and tea, put together simple games that all ages can participate in. Board games like scrabble, monopoly and trivial pursuit are all-time favorites for better brain health.

Picnic in the Park or at the Beach

If possible, bring your loved one outdoors to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Being confined within the walls of his/her memory assisted living apartment can be boring, so a day outside in a nearby park or beach can be an awesome experience.

Try fishing or simply set up a picnic spread while spending quality time together. Moments like this are precious while allowing one to connect back with their loved ones.

Attend Local Events

Make your research on local events that the whole family can enjoy. Make use of the Internet to see what’s going in your area. Celebrate the holiday through local fairs, parades, and festivals. Or relearn history by visiting museums where free admissions are given during the holiday.

Attend musical plays, watch movies or art galleries. Labor Day lets you bond with the grandchildren while appreciating a good play or movie that you can talk about in the next visiting session.

Connect with Younger Generations

Arts and Crafts making is a perfect opportunity to get creative while creating a special bond with the kids. Recreate the American flag using recyclable materials; create a family portrait using water-based paint, or anything easy where everyone can participate in.

Reminisce On Family Moments

This activity will allow seniors in memory assisted living facilities to talk about precious moments in the past. Share old photos or exchange stories that can be great sources of great learning for the younger generation. All these do not only create a special bond but are effective ways to boost mental health.

Labor Day is a great day to relax, unwind, and be with your loved ones in memory assisted living. For a look into life at Fallbrook Assisted Living, click here!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper