Assisted Living

How to Prepare for Winter in Nursing Homes

As the frosty winds of winter approach, the need for meticulous preparation becomes paramount, especially in environments where vulnerable populations reside. Nursing homes, catering to the well-being of the elderly, require extra attention and care to ensure a warm and safe season for residents. In this article, we’ll delve into essential tips and considerations for preparing nursing homes for the winter season.

Winter Months in Nursing Homes


The colder months bring unique challenges that demand a proactive approach to safeguard the health and comfort of those within these facilities. These include restricted outdoor activities to prevent falls, frostbite and hypothermia, and a range of cold-related health issues. What can be done to navigate the winter season successfully in nursing homes?

Keep residents safe and warm

To keep residents safe and warm, heating systems need regular maintenance, and residents should be provided with warm, layered clothing. Regular safety inspections are crucial to identify and address potential hazards.

Protect them against illness and health concerns

To protect residents against illnesses, encourage and facilitate flu vaccinations for residents and staff. Implement stringent hygiene practices, including regular handwashing, to reduce the spread of viruses. Also, residents and staff should be educated about the importance of respiratory etiquette, such as covering mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing. To reduce the risk of airborne infections, provide adequate ventilation.

Beat isolation while keeping warm indoors in nursing homes

With restricted outdoor activities and social interactions, isolation can become a problem. Organize engaging activities and events such as games and crafts to facilitate a vibrant and connected indoor environment for nursing home residents.

Designate cozy spaces within the facility to promote gatherings and cultivate a strong sense of community among residents—leverage technology to enable virtual interactions with family and friends, effectively diminishing feelings of isolation.

Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Nursing Homes

Ensure the safety of nursing homes by conducting regular inspections of heating systems and appliances, and checking for any malfunctioning or damage. Enhance safety measures by installing carbon monoxide detectors throughout the facility, with a specific focus on areas housing heating equipment.

Promote awareness among staff and residents about the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning and encourage them to report any concerns.

Avoid Mobility Problems

Maintain a proactive approach to resident well-being by consistently assessing their mobility levels and offering assistance as needed. Safeguard against tripping hazards by keeping walkways and common areas free from obstacles.

Introduce specialized mobility programs tailored for winter, incorporating exercises to enhance strength, balance, and coordination. To ensure staff members can assist residents effectively, conduct proper training.

Maintain Optimal Mental Health

Provide a comprehensive approach to mental health by offering services for residents experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or other mental health issues. Cultivate a positive and supportive community atmosphere that encourages residents to openly share their feelings and concerns.

Winter months in nursing homes don’t have to be a struggle for both residents and caregivers. With thorough planning and preparation, the cold weather and its impact on health can stay outdoors.


Looking for excellent senior care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Assisted Living Facilities

Preparing for the New Year in Assisted Living Facilities

As the calendar turns, residents of assisted living facilities embark on a new chapter filled with opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment. The transition to a new year provides an excellent occasion for seniors to reflect on their achievements, set meaningful goals, and cultivate a sense of purpose. In this article, we explore the best ways seniors in assisted living facilities can prepare for the upcoming year, fostering a spirit of optimism and empowerment.

Reflecting on Achievements and Gratitude in Assisted Living Facilities

A new year is an ideal time to reflect on the accomplishments and experiences of the past year. Encouraging residents to engage in this reflective process promotes a positive mindset and lays the foundation for setting meaningful goals. Here are some suggestions to guide seniors in this introspective journey:

Celebrating Milestones

Take stock of personal achievements and milestones from the past year, whether big or small. Reflecting on accomplishments, such as forming new friendships, participating in activities, or overcoming challenges, fosters a sense of pride and gratitude.

Expressing Gratitude

Encourage residents to express gratitude for the positive aspects of their lives. This can be done through journaling, sharing stories with fellow residents, or participating in gratitude-focused activities. Cultivating a grateful mindset sets the tone for a more optimistic outlook on the year ahead.

Setting Meaningful Goals for the New Year

The new year presents an opportunity to set goals that contribute to your overall well-being and sense of purpose. By establishing realistic and attainable objectives, residents can stay motivated and engaged in their daily lives. Consider the following strategies for goal-setting:

Personal Growth Goals in Assisted Living Facilities

Encourage seniors to identify areas of personal growth they would like to focus on in the coming year. This could include learning a new skill, pursuing a hobby, or engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Assisted living facilities can facilitate these goals by offering a variety of enriching programs and workshops.

Health and Wellness Objectives

Prioritize health and well-being by setting goals related to physical and mental fitness. Whether it’s participating in regular exercise classes or engaging in mindfulness practices, seniors can take proactive steps to enhance their overall health. Assisted living facilities can support these goals by providing access to wellness programs and collaborating with healthcare professionals.

Assisted Living Facilities Conclusion

As seniors in assisted living facilities prepare for the new year, the focus should be on reflection, gratitude, and purposeful goal-setting. Encouraging residents to celebrate their achievements, express gratitude, and establish meaningful goals contributes to a positive and empowering environment. Seniors can embrace opportunities and foster a sense of fulfillment and well-being as they navigate the new year.


Looking for excellent senior care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Assisted Living

The Challenges of Caring for Someone with Dementia from Facilities for Alzheimer’s Experts

Caring for individuals with dementia poses unique challenges that demand a specialized approach, particularly in facilities designed for Alzheimer’s care. As senior living professionals committed to enhancing the quality of life for our residents, we recognize the intricate interplay of emotional and logistical hurdles in the journey of dementia care.

The Emotional Struggles in Facilities for Alzheimer’s

Caring for someone with dementia is emotionally taxing for both the individuals with the condition and their caregivers. In facilities for Alzheimer’s, experts witness firsthand the profound impact of dementia on the emotional well-being of residents. The following emotional challenges are particularly pronounced:

Loss and Grief

Dementia is a progressive condition that erodes memories and cognitive abilities, leading to a profound sense of loss for both the affected individual and their loved ones. In facilities for Alzheimer’s, caregivers often witness the ongoing process of losing cherished memories and the subsequent emotional toll it takes on residents and their families.

Communication Barriers

Effective communication becomes increasingly challenging as dementia progresses. Residents may struggle to express their needs and emotions, leading to frustration and feelings of isolation. Caregivers in Alzheimer’s facilities work tirelessly to bridge these communication gaps, relying on patience, empathy, and creative approaches to connect with residents on an emotional level.

Logistical Complexities

Beyond the emotional challenges, caring for individuals with dementia requires a strategic and well-coordinated approach to address the unique logistical complexities associated with the condition.

Specialized Care Protocols in Facilities for Alzheimer’s

Dementia care demands specialized protocols to address the diverse needs of residents. Facilities for Alzheimer’s experts prioritize ongoing staff training to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide personalized care. This includes understanding the progression of dementia, managing challenging behaviors, and creating a safe and supportive environment.

Family Engagement and Support

Engaging families in the care process is crucial for the overall well-being of residents. Facilities for Alzheimer’s recognize the importance of creating a collaborative care environment that involves families in decision-making and provides emotional support. Regular communication, educational programs, and support groups contribute to a holistic approach that extends beyond the facility’s walls.

Facilities for Alzheimer’s Conclusion

Caring for someone with dementia demands a nuanced and comprehensive approach that addresses both the emotional and logistical challenges. By recognizing the emotional struggles, caregivers can tailor their approach to provide meaningful and compassionate care. Simultaneously, addressing logistical complexities ensures a holistic and supportive environment for individuals with dementia. In the pursuit of enhancing the quality of life for residents, facilities play a vital role in navigating the multifaceted challenges associated with dementia care.


Looking for an Alzheimer’s care facility in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Fallbrook Memory Care!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Assisted Living Facilities

Celebrating the Holidays in Memory Care Assisted Living

In memory care assisted living, holiday celebrations hold significant importance for individuals facing memory-related difficulties. These occasions extend beyond mere festivity, providing therapeutic advantages that trigger positive memories and encourage social interaction.

Isolation in Memory Care Assisted Living

During the coronavirus outbreak, visitors were restricted from seeing residents in long-term care facilities. The imposed isolation worsened cognition and depression among elderly with dementia and depression. Why does this happen?

People facing memory-related challenges tend to withdraw from society and any form of social interaction. This often leads to a decline in cognitive and emotional well-being.

As isolation sets in, its impact manifests in several ways:

  • Depression
  • Heightened anxiety
  • Increased feelings of loneliness
  • Decline in overall cognitive function

Imagine how worse the elderly feel if their loved ones are not allowed to visit them.

The good news is memory care assisted living facilities strive to provide residents with social interactions and engagement that are crucial for cognitive stimulation. Without these activities, individuals may experience a faster progression of memory-related disorders.

Beating Isolation with Holiday Celebrations

Do you have a loved one in memory care assisted living? Here’s how you can celebrate the festivities the right way and beat isolation.

Plan and Prepare

Celebrations and holidays can be challenging and stressful for people with dementia and other memory-related difficulties. It’s helpful to ease the elderly into the idea of a holiday celebration. Provide a sense of purpose and connection by engaging them in the planning process. Encourage them to share their preferences, memories, and traditions associated with the holiday season. This involvement not only enhances their sense of autonomy but also ensures that the celebration aligns with their tastes and preferences.

Keep the Gathering Small in Memory Care Assisted Living

Large gatherings can be overwhelming for individuals with memory challenges. Plan smaller, more intimate gatherings to create a more comfortable and manageable environment. This allows for more meaningful interactions and reduces the likelihood of overstimulation, providing a conducive setting for everyone to enjoy the festivities.

Keep the Atmosphere Calm and Familiar

Create a festive atmosphere without overwhelming sensory stimuli. Decorate the space with familiar items and incorporate decorations that are meaningful to your loved one. For individuals with memory challenges, familiarity will help them feel more secure, reducing anxiety and creating a setting that is conducive to joyful celebrations.

Prepare Guests Regarding the Health Condition of the Elderly

Communicate with guests ahead of time about the health condition of your loved one. Provide them with information on how to interact in a supportive and respectful manner. This may include being patient, speaking clearly, and avoiding confrontational situations. Educating guests fosters an understanding and compassionate environment, ensuring a positive experience for everyone involved.

Plan Holiday Activities They’ll Enjoy in Memory Care Assisted Living

Tailor holiday activities to the interests and abilities of a loved one with dementia. Consider incorporating familiar traditions, such as baking cookies, listening to favorite holiday music, or engaging in simple crafts. Choose activities that stimulate positive memories and encourage social interaction.


Celebrating holidays in memory care assisted living can be a meaningful and joyous experience when approached with sensitivity and consideration. By following the tips listed above, you can help the elderly beat isolation and experience the holidays to create lasting memories, which can contribute to a sense of connection and belonging in the memory care community.


Looking for excellent senior memory care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Memory Assisted Living

Activities and Therapies in Memory Assisted Living: Enhancing the Quality of Life

Memory Assisted Living communities in Nebraska commit to providing special care and support for individuals with memory-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. These conditions can be challenging for both residents and their families. But, with a person-centered approach with activities and therapies, the quality of life for residents can be significantly improved. In this article, we will explore the various activities and therapies that are specifically designed to enhance cognitive function and overall well-being in memory assisted living communities.

Person-Centered Activities in Memory Assisted Living

In memory care, one of the fundamental principles is recognizing the unique needs and preferences of each resident. Person-centered care focuses on understanding individual histories, interests, and abilities to create meaningful and engaging activities. Here are some examples of person-centered activities in memory assisted living:

Reminiscence Therapy:

Reminiscence therapy encourages residents to recall and share their life stories and memories. This not only strengthens their connection to the past but also fosters a sense of identity and self-worth. Group discussions, family photo albums, and storytelling sessions can trigger positive memories and emotions, promoting cognitive function and emotional well-being.

Art and Music Therapy:

Music and art have the power to transcend language barriers and reach deep within the human soul. Art therapy allows residents to express themselves through painting, drawing, and other creative mediums. Music therapy, on the other hand, can stimulate memories and emotions, even in individuals with advanced memory loss. Activities like singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments can be both therapeutic and enjoyable for residents.

Sensory Stimulation in Memory Assisted Living:

Engaging the senses is essential for residents in memory assisted living. Activities like aromatherapy, tactile sensory bins with various textures, and sensory gardens provide opportunities for residents to explore their surroundings and stimulate their senses. Sensory stimulation enhances residents’ cognitive function and can help reduce anxiety and agitation.

Cognitive Games and Puzzles:

Keeping the mind active is crucial for individuals with memory-related conditions. Memory care communities often incorporate cognitive games and puzzles into their daily routines. Activities such as crossword puzzles, memory games, and Sudoku can help maintain cognitive skills and improve memory retention.

Therapeutic Approaches to Enhance Well-Being

Therapies in memory assisted living focus on improving residents’ overall well-being, addressing not only cognitive health but also emotional and physical needs. Here are some therapeutic approaches that have been proven to be beneficial for individuals with memory-related conditions:

Occupational Therapy:

Occupational therapy in memory care helps residents maintain their independence in daily activities. These therapists work with individuals to develop strategies that enable them to engage in daily tasks like dressing, eating, and personal grooming. This therapy helps residents feel more in control of their lives and can reduce frustration and anxiety.

Validation Therapy:

Validation therapy is an empathetic approach to communication that acknowledges and respects the feelings and reality of individuals with memory conditions. Rather than trying to correct or challenge their beliefs, validation therapy seeks to provide emotional support and comfort. It helps residents feel understood and accepted, which can lead to reduced stress and increased well-being.

Pet Therapy in Memory Assisted Living:

The companionship of animals can have a remarkable impact on residents with memory-related conditions. Pet therapy, where residents interact with therapy animals, can reduce feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. The presence of animals often triggers positive memories and emotions, leading to improved overall quality of life.

Memory Assisted Living Wrap-Up

In conclusion, memory assisted living communities in Nebraska are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for residents with memory-related conditions. By offering a wide range of person-centered activities and therapeutic approaches, these communities provide not only cognitive stimulation but also emotional support and physical well-being. Through reminiscence therapy, art and music therapy, sensory stimulation, cognitive games, and various therapeutic approaches like occupational therapy, validation therapy, and pet therapy, residents can find joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose in their daily lives. The holistic approach to memory care is a testament to the commitment of memory assisted living communities to ensuring that residents live their best lives, despite the challenges of memory-related conditions.


Looking for excellent care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Assisted Living Facilities

The Green Movement in Senior Housing: Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Living

In recent years, the senior housing industry has seen a significant shift towards more sustainable and eco-friendly living options. This growing trend reflects not only a commitment to reducing our environmental footprint but also an understanding of the benefits of such practices for seniors’ overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the green movement in senior housing, highlighting the various ways in which living facilities in Nebraska are embracing sustainable and eco-friendly living.

The Senior Housing Industry’s Environmental Responsibility

Senior housing communities in Nebraska and across the nation are increasingly recognizing the importance of environmental responsibility. This newfound emphasis on sustainability can be attributed to several factors, including the rising awareness of climate change, the desire to cut energy costs, and the ever-increasing focus on improving residents’ quality of life.

One significant aspect of the green movement in senior housing is the construction and operation of eco-friendly buildings. Green facilities prioritize energy-efficient designs, which not only reduce operational costs but also decrease their impact on the environment. By using high-quality insulation, energy-efficient windows, and HVAC systems, these facilities are able to provide a comfortable living environment while also reducing energy consumption.

Eco-Friendly Practices within Senior Housing

Green senior living facilities in Nebraska are taking several steps to incorporate eco-friendly practices into their daily operations:

Renewable Energy Sources:

Many facilities are investing in renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines. These sources of clean energy not only reduce the facility’s carbon footprint but also help lower energy costs, which can benefit both the environment and the residents.

Sustainable Landscaping:

Communities are paying close attention to their outdoor spaces, with an increasing focus on sustainable landscaping. This involves the use of native plants, efficient irrigation systems, and practices that reduce water usage and the need for harmful pesticides and fertilizers. Landscaping with native plants also supports local wildlife and creates an aesthetically pleasing environment for residents.

Waste Reduction and Recycling:

Green facilities implement comprehensive recycling programs to reduce waste going to landfills. They encourage residents to recycle and provide easily accessible recycling stations throughout the community. Additionally, waste reduction measures are integrated into daily practices, from the use of reusable dining ware to minimizing single-use plastics.

Water Conservation:

Conserving water is crucial in the green movement within senior housing. Facilities are installing low-flow faucets and toilets, as well as utilizing rainwater harvesting systems for irrigation. These measures not only reduce water bills but also help preserve this precious resource.

Senior Housing &Healthy Indoor Environments:

Creating a healthy indoor environment is paramount for senior housing. Green facilities prioritize air quality by using low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) paints and materials, as well as efficient air filtration systems. This ensures that residents breathe cleaner air and enjoy a more comfortable living space.

In summary, the green movement represents a significant shift towards more sustainable and eco-friendly living options in Nebraska. Communities are recognizing their environmental responsibility by implementing eco-friendly practices in construction, daily operations, and resident engagement. The adoption of renewable energy sources, sustainable landscaping, waste reduction and recycling, water conservation, and the creation of healthy indoor environments not only benefits the environment but also enhances the quality of life for seniors. As the demand for eco-friendly senior housing options continues to grow, Nebraska’s senior housing industry is well-poised to lead the way in sustainable and environmentally responsible living.

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Memory Assisted Living

Alzheimer’s Care Facilities Safety: Preventing Wandering and Ensuring Security

Maintaining safety and security for residents in Alzheimer’s care facilities is crucial, On top of their dedicated staff, security tools and strategies must be put in place to ward off residents from wandering and prevent injuries.

Care facilities for dementia must prioritize these essentials to protect their residents. Not only will these security tools protect the elders from serious risks but also their overall well-being. By creating a safe environment, you are also giving families of residents with Alzheimer’s the peace of mind in cases of wandering or injury.

The Importance of Safety in Alzheimer’s Care Facilities

Alzheimer’s is an enduring condition that will gradually disintegrate the cognitive functions or abilities of those suffering from it. Performing a simple task will be impossible in the long run, and there will be difficulty in communicating as well as weird changes in behavior.

Over time, it can be difficult to take care of a family member with Alzheimer’s in terms of having a safety-proof home. Constant supervision and ensuring the loved ones’ welfare can be overwhelming, and this is when Alzheimer’s facilities come into play.

An Alzheimer’s facility can provide round-the-clock supervision and a safe environment, designed for people with this irreversible condition. Memory care facilities are equipped with perimeter fences, monitoring devices, locked entries, and 24/7 alert systems to make residents feel more relaxed and enjoy their independence a little longer.

Skilled and properly-trained staff are key persons as well in making the lives of the residents safe. Caregivers provide support to the residents’ daily needs and activities. These include eating, safe bathroom use, bathing, medicine management, and social and memory-stimulating activities.

Incorporating a modern approach to security in Alzheimer’s Care Facilities is paramount to minimize the safety risks. Extra security and precautionary measures are there to compensate for the change in behavior the disease causes.

Preventing Wandering and Ensuring Security

Wandering is a common sign of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Wandering can be dangerous for an individual and causes distress for families and caregivers. While this is high-risk, there are steps Alzheimer’s Care Facilities can take to eliminate or lessen wandering among residents.

First, is to create a safe environment like the use of fences, gates, and keypad entries on all doors. Alarm systems keep staff alert to potential wandering.

Make use of tracking technology like wristbands to discreetly monitor patients or residents. Routine checks and headcounts by staff are also helpful in identifying missing patients quickly.

Stairs, kitchens, gardens, and hazardous areas must remain secure to protect residents.

Medicine cabinets must also remain secure to prevent overdose or abuse.

Providing activities throughout the day can reduce behaviors like irritability or wandering and enhance the quality of life.


Looking for excellent memory care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Assisted Living

Preparing for Thanksgiving in Assisted Living

Thanksgiving is an important event but can be a challenge for those living in assisted living facilities. The same goes for families who try to balance the celebration while at the same time dealing with the essential needs of their loved ones.

With time and careful consideration and preparation, residents, staff, families, and assisted living communities can have creative and meaningful ways to participate in this yearly festivity to celebrate the harvest and other blessings of the previous year.

Holidays in Assisted Living: What to Expect

Despite being in assisted living, residents can still have a joyful celebration. Any event is an opportunity to celebrate and socialize, minimizing the feeling of loss and isolation.

If your loved one is in an assisted facility, here is what you can expect for the upcoming Thanksgiving.

Many assisted apartments decorate, plan activities, and prepare meals intended for this special day. Feast your eyes on colorful decorations, and arts and crafts made by residents. Social halls, dining areas, and walkways will be filled with holiday decorations and themed arts.

Community celebrations are common to get everyone into the holiday spirit. Live entertainment, music, or performances not only help Thanksgiving more celebratory but also provide mental stimulation, evoke happy memories, and encourage social interaction.

During holidays, most assisted communities invite family and friends. This open house set-up allows residents to spend time with their loved ones and share traditions. As a tradition focused on family togetherness, spending it with loved ones uphold this cultural tradition, strengthens family bond, create memories, and provide comfort and support, especially for family members adjusting to life in assisted living.

Being in assisted facilities does not mean altering Thanksgiving practices. With planning, compassion, and giving time for your loved one, the celebration can be meaningful and unforgettable.

Preparing for Thanksgiving in Assisted Living

With 3 more Thursdays left before Thanksgiving, it is right to start planning so residents can participate in the spirit of this celebration.

Card crafting

This may be old, but card crafting is a golden way to show you care for the person. You can draw, cut pictures, and just be creative in expressing what you feel for the person you love. Encourage family members to participate because just being around can do wonders.

Family Recipe Competition

What a fun way to showcase the family’s best recipes by doing a cooking competition. Choose a category like dessert or appetizer. Vote who has the best entry and share the food for everyone to enjoy.

Assisted Living Virtual Celebration

If you have family members who cannot make it to the celebration, wireless technology will make everyone come together. You can host a virtual party with games and other activities everyone can join in on.

Play Games

Enjoy classic board games, which is perfect for everyone to get engaged. This can be a casual game or a competition to show off everyone’s skills. Make it more fun by giving prizes.

Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

Share family stories to spark conversation and pique the interest of younger generations. This is also the perfect time for adults to bring back cherished memories while allowing the younger family members to share what they love most about Thanksgiving.


Looking for excellent senior care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Senior Housing

Down Syndrome Awareness Month in Assisted Living Facilities

Down Syndrome Awareness Month is a crucial time for assisted living facilities to focus on fostering understanding and inclusion. Throughout this month, these facilities can engage in various activities and initiatives to raise awareness, provide support, and celebrate the unique abilities and contributions of individuals with Down syndrome in their communities.


Down Syndrome Awareness Month


In the 1980s, Down Syndrome Awareness Month was first designated and later recognized every month of October. This is a way of celebrating people with Down Syndrome and making others recognize their accomplishments and abilities.


Since they are like everyone else, it is understandable that they also have dreams and goals, as they also want to have families and successful careers. They are capable of driving a car, going to work, going to college, going on dates, getting married, and contributing to society as a whole.


Aging and Down Syndrome | Assisted Living Facilities


It is important to note that people with Down syndrome can begin to slow down and lose interest in some activities previously enjoyed particularly through the retirement years. That is why ensuring the well-being of people with disabilities in assisted living facilities is essential by continuing to have positive support networks and being involved in meaningful activities as they transition into old age.


Note that they are still a valued person in your family and your community even as they age. Therefore, they must have continued involvement in outings and activities so that they are able to maintain healthy social connections and become more active and involved in their community while staying positive in their outlook in life.


4 Ways Assisted Living Facilities Can Help Residents with Down Syndrome


Assisted living facilities can help residents with Down syndrome to live healthy full lives independently. Here are ways to make all that possible and easier for everyone.


Needs can change quickly


Understandably, people with Down syndrome have specific health considerations and needs that can change quickly over time. It is the role of the assisted living facilities to help your family members deal with issues related to aging.


Routines can help much


Doing routines will aid your family members to feel more comfortable every single day. For people with Down syndrome, it is important to note that time can work a bit differently. Therefore, having a solid routine can help him or her accomplish goals with the aid of home care providers to stay on target.


Social interaction is important in Assisted Living Facilities


Even if your family member is not able to drive, he or she can still go places on a regular basis with a little help from home care providers. In fact, they can take over the driving responsibilities for your loved one. This will provide your family member free to enjoy his or her time with other people in the community.


Spot health issues easily


Having limited time to spend with your family member will make you miss crucial details to help you determine if he or she has health issues or safety concerns. This is when home care providers step in because they are with your loved one more often. So, when he or she needs extra help, it is just standing by, making you feel better knowing your family member has what is needed.


As a result, your family members can have the extra edge needed to live life confidently on their own terms as much as possible.


Looking for excellent care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Memory Assisted Living

Recognizing Mental Illness Awareness Week in Nursing Homes

There are many reasons why Mental Illness Awareness Week in nursing homes is a valuable and important initiative. Among these reasons include contributing to a more supportive and compassionate environment for residents, helping reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness in nursing homes, and serving as a reminder for nursing homes to prioritize mental health care as an integral part of their overall healthcare services.

Mental Illness Awareness Week


The first week of October is Mental Illness Awareness Week which is run in collaboration with the National Alliance of Mental Illness to raise awareness, fight discrimination, and offer support through this initiative.

Mental Illness Awareness Week is important because of the following reasons.


It will highlight a taboo topic


It is understood that there are certain stigmas surrounding mental illness. This activity will break down discrimination, misinformation, and stereotypes.


It will focus on real-world experiences


This activity will share information that contains experiences and stories of people living with mental illness daily. Thus, the shared experience will make this illness very relevant.


It will save lives


This event will show support and understanding by reaching out, allowing discussion, and creating conversation about mental health. People living with this condition need this type of life-changing initiative.


Seniors and Mental Illness


Seniors most commonly have mental health problems and may experience affective and anxiety disorders, dementia, isolation, and psychosis, among other things. They may also suffer from behavioral and sleep disorders, cognitive deterioration, or confusion states resulting from physical disorders or surgical interventions.

Promoting mental health for seniors is a vital role of healthcare providers. Particularly those in primary care, by working with civil society organizations, families, local governments, mental health professionals, and communities to provide comprehensive mental healthcare and supportive environments.


Supporting Mental Health in Nursing Homes


It is quite challenging for nursing home residents to adjust to life in a long-term care facility. Some deal with different mental conditions making it difficult to maintain good mental health.

There are advocates or groups that are focused on supporting mental health in nursing homes. In fact, there are many mental health services offered to residents. Even facilities that don’t have mental health professionals can get outside help when needed.


Psychological services


Nursing home residents can seek help from psychologists and psychiatrists to manage their mental health. This can be done through in-person, online visits, or over-the-phone interaction. This will help residents cope with emotions and work through trauma.


Ombudsmen in Nursing Homes


They serve as advocates for residents and work to resolve concerns and issues at hand. Such may include complaints about food quality, allegations of abuse or neglect, and lack of mental healthcare.


Social workers in Nursing Homes


There are lots of ways social workers can help nursing home residents. For instance, they can perform basic psychological counseling and connect nursing home residents with other mental health resources in the community.


Looking for excellent care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Fallbrook Assisted Living!

Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper