Senior Housing

Do Different Seasons Have Different Effects on Alzheimer’s and Dementia? | Fallbrook Memory Care Facility

Changes in behavior with age can be natural.  However, there are some behavior changes that can link to dementia or Alzheimer’s.  With changing behaviors, there are some outside factors that can take effect on this.

Research shows that seasonal changes can impact the habits and demeanors of dementia patients. Do you have a family member who exhibits behavioral change?

It can truly affect the lives of those suffering from seasonal change, but the situation is manageable by understanding the cause and possible treatments.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Diagnosis | Fallbrook Memory Care Facility

The term dementia covers several disorders. Each shows a decline in cognitive function that leads to changes in personality, memory, daily performance, or communication skills. Alzheimer’s on the other hand, is the most common type of dementia.

Patients that show symptoms of memory loss may be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, mixed dementia, Huntington’s disease, or Parkinson’s dementia.

Being the most common type of dementia, Alzheimer’s takes up 60-80% of all dementia cases. Although commonly observed in senior adults from 65 years and up, Alzheimer’s is also noted in the younger population with about 200,000 cases. And up to now, researchers are still working on determining what causes Alzheimer’s.

Can the Seasons Affect Alzheimer’s and Dementia?

Yes, particularly during the cold winter months. The yearly change of season especially when days are shorter severely impacts patients in Fallbrook Memory Care Facility. The extended hours of darkness can cause increased agitation, confusion, depression, irritability, wandering, and sleep disturbance.

Although this can be challenging, caregivers and loved ones can handle these effects. Regardless of what the season is, patients with dementia need to have a stable routine.

Listening to soothing music, the use of essential oils or other sleep aids can help combat the effects of changing seasons. Or better yet talk to a physician to help better understand the phenomenon as well as other ways to manage the symptoms safely and effectively.

How a Memory Care Facility Can Help Monitor Disease Progress

Senior adults suffering from Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia will have an easy and comfortable way of coping with this difficult health condition when in a specialized institution like Fallbrook Memory Care Facility. A memory care facility like Fallbrook is here to care for dementia patients.

Other than the regular care they provide to their patients, Fallbrook Memory Care Facility is a safe and secure place for senior adults with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Here, residents have round-the-clock care to reduce the risks of wandering or falling.

Activities and programs are also specified based on the patient’s interests and abilities. In addition, the facility has memory-care-specific programming carefully constructed for senior residents a place where they can continue to thrive.

Cognitive assessments, exams, and monitoring systems are also available through the help of physicians to track the disease’s progress.


Looking for excellent memory care? Get in contact with us at Fallbrook Assisted Living by clicking here!

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