Senior Housing

Preparing for Spring in Senior Assisted Living

Spring represents hope and new beginnings. It is an opportunity to appreciate the blooming perennials outside, to clean out, distress, go out and welcome the Earth as it comes to life again. People in assisted living facilities can take advantage of the warmth of the sun, enjoy the colors outside, and get physically active.

But knowing the residents are quite sensitive due to existing conditions and old age, welcoming spring needs careful planning.

These preparations are not only to prepare their homes for the new season but also to ensure they are safe and comfortable.

Clean Up

Foremost, cleaning up the walkways is a must to reduce the risks of falls. Unnecessary furniture and fixture that can obstruct the movement must be removed. The same goes for wiring, cords, or rugs that may cause fall or tripping must be moved elsewhere.

Do not forget to include the parts of the assisted living apartment or homes that are often neglected or have been temporarily ignored during winter. Include the windows, window casings, blinds, dusty ceiling fans, upholstered furniture to eliminate the dirt.

Lastly, have your carpets professionally cleaned to remove bacteria, allergens, and dust mites to prevent the senior residents from getting colds and breathe easier.

Check Fire Extinguishers, Smoke Detectors, and Emergency Kits

Spring is also the best time to go through your medicine kits to dispose of old, unused, expired medications. Tis provides a chance to replenish empty bottles and make sure current prescriptions are in a dry and secure place.

Take time to inspect smoke detectors that might be a falling hazard for the elderly. Double check if these detectors are still properly mounted on the ceiling, but if unsure of what to do and what to look for, it is advised to always ask for professional assistance.

That way change of batteries can also be done to adhere to the US Fire Administrations’ guidelines of changing the batteries at least twice a year.

Safety Inspection

Apart from removing potential risks and hazards, seniors in an assisted living facility must always feel safe. Inspect the lighting in the entire facility; check if motion lights installed along hallways, walking paths, and outdoors are still working.

Change lighting bulbs that do not provide sufficient brightness. Then, update stairs outside and/or inside the house by installing handrails on each side. Update the shower or bathroom area by adding a shower chair and grab bars. These additions would prevent falls or trips.

Prevent Colds and Allergies

Prepare and train staff to determine the cause of coughing and sneezing. Suggest residents with allergies to close their windows to prevent pollens from getting inside.

Always have an oral antihistamine ready to combat reactions to allergies. Remind assisted living residents to wear shades when outside to protect their eyes, hydrate, and use SPF.

Looking for reliable assisted living or memory care in the Lincoln, NE area? Click here to read about our programs here at Fallbrook Assisted Living!

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