assisted living

Why It Makes Sense to Move to Assisted Living?

Growing old is an inevitable part of life. In fact, the elderly will make up 24% of the American population by 2060 and this means that more people will be in need of elderly care like assisted living facilities.



The decision to move to assisted living may be difficult, especially because it means that you’ll have to leave your home. But there are good reasons it makes more sense to move to this community during your senior years:




You get to Stay Active


It’s so easy to fall into a sedentary lifestyle if you’re living at home since you don’t have to go to work and your movement may be limited by your health condition. But staying active is more important when you’re older because it helps keep your muscles toned, your bones strong and your circulation going, which in turn promotes wellness.



Assisted living communities often offer different fitness and physical therapy programs that help you do just that. You can enroll in Zumba or yoga classes, work with a physical therapist or join exercise groups where you can get moving with people your age.




You get to Live Safely


With falls taking up to 25% of all hospital admissions and 40% of nursing home admissions in the elderly, living at home may not be the safe place that it used to be now that you’re older. Assisted living facilities, however, are designed with your safety and comfort in mind with all measures taken to protect you from falls and accidents. You also have easy access to a medical facility in case you get into an accident so you can be attended to immediately.




You get to be Assisted with your Daily Activities


At some point, your health condition may make it difficult for you to perform activities of daily living and chores at home. You may realize that even tasks that you’re used to doing may already take longer than usual or you don’t have the energy to do them anymore.



This is when it really counts to move into a facility where you still have the freedom to enjoy your life while having a team to assist you with daily tasks and take care of difficult jobs for you. You are still in full control of your daily life but you will have help whenever you need it.





You get to Enjoy Good Food


When you have too many restrictions because of your health condition, eating can sometimes be more of a chore rather than enjoyable time, especially when all you eat is bland, unappealing food. But when you live in an assisted living facility, you get to enjoy well-prepared meals that still meet all your nutritional requirements and stick to your restrictions but are still good enough to enjoy.




Growing old doesn’t have to mean sitting on your porch and looking out remembering the days when you were younger. Even if you’re more than 65 years old, you can still be active, social and happy with the right place to live in.




Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Senior Housing

Five Warning Signs Could Lead to an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

For the first time in American history, the elderly population will outnumber children by 2035, according to a projection released by the Census Bureau. Since most of the baby boomers will be over 65 years old by this time, most of the country’s population will be composed of older people and this means Alzheimer’s care will be more important than ever.



Alzheimer’s is already affecting at least 5.7 million Americans and with a growing elderly demographic, this number is expected to balloon to 13.8 million in the coming years. But while there is still no known cure for the brain disease that slowly causes a decline in memory, reasoning and thinking skills, you can still enjoy a good quality of life, especially if Alzheimer’s care is done properly and at the earliest possible time.




What are Five Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s?



  1. Progressive Memory Loss


Forgetfulness may be a normal part of aging, but constant and especially progressive memory loss is the first and most common sign of Alzheimer’s. If you start forgetting important dates or events and recent information, and you find yourself asking repetitive questions, it might be good to schedule an appointment with your doctor to facilitate early diagnosis and management.




  1. Challenges in Activities of Daily Living


The things you do every day become routine and will always be part of your daily life. But when you have Alzheimer’s, you may start to have difficulties in completing day-to-day tasks, especially those that require critical thinking. If you’re driving on the same familiar route, for instance, and you suddenly find yourself not knowing where to go, it could be a sign that you have Alzheimer’s disease.




  1. Difficulty in Solving Problems


As you grow older, you may take more time to get things done even if you’ve already done them so many times before. This is especially true if you have Alzheimer’s when following a recipe, solving a puzzle or even keeping track of your expenses can be more difficult than usual. The good thing, however, is that with proper Alzheimer’s care, you will still be able to do these tasks and maybe even improve your problem-solving skills.




  1. Poor Decision-Making Capabilities


Decision-making comes with adulthood, but if you’re suffering from Alzheimer’s, you may start to make poor judgments that can affect your quality of life. Financial matters, for instance, may take a huge blow if you start spending too much because you forgot that you have a budget. You may also find yourself not caring much about self-care. You may not enjoy bathing anymore or forget to change your clothes daily. If this happens, seek medical consultation immediately.




  1. Withdrawal and Depression


It’s not easy dealing with Alzheimer’s, especially since you’ll feel like you can’t control things anymore. This can easily lead to withdrawal from social events and eventually, depression that thankfully, you can now deal with effectively with the help of proper Alzheimer’s care.




Indeed, there is no stopping aging and you’ll never know if you or a loved one may suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. But the most important thing is that you have the support of your family, friends and medical team to help you through this journey.




Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Memory assisted Living

Your No-Nonsense Guide to Understanding Dementia

According to the World Health Organization, there are at least 47 million people around the world living with dementia. But what’s more alarming is that this number is projected to increase to 75 million by 2030. This is why memory care has never been so important and it all begins with a proper understanding of what exactly dementia is and what can be done to take care of a loved one who is affected by it.




Dementia is a syndrome, not a disease


Contrary to what most people believe, dementia is not a disease but a progressive syndrome caused by different brain illnesses affecting thinking, memory, behavior and the ability to perform activities of daily living. While dementia can affect anyone, it’s most prevalent among the elderly who need memory care the most, but it is not a part of aging.




Changed behavior is one of the biggest challenges in dementia


Dementia is overwhelming not only for the person affected but for the caregiver too. This is mostly due to a change in behavior that can be the most difficult to accept and can hinder memory care. But the most important thing to remember is that while you cannot control changed behavior since it is part of the condition, you can make adjustments to how you deal with your loved one so you can still ensure a good relationship with them and maintain their quality of life.



One of the best ways to come to terms with changed behavior is to have a strong support system like other family members and friends. You should also talk with a doctor about it because behavioral problems may be a sign of an underlying medical condition or it could be an adverse reaction to a medication.




Dementia is not just about memory loss


While most of us think that having dementia only means losing one’s memory, it can also affect a patient in other ways. Someone with dementia may have hallucinations or delusions, disorientation, behavioral changes, poor communication, and even unusual cravings.



Every dementia patient is different, which is why it’s very important to consult a doctor the moment you notice any changes in your loved one.




It is possible to live a happy life with someone who has dementia


There are many people around the world with dementia who are still enjoying a good life with their families, and you can do the same with a little bit of patience, creativity and a whole lot of love. Proper communication is key in memory care and you can start by understanding what your loved one’s needs are. Use simple words and sentences, make sure that there are no distractions around when you’re trying to communicate with your loved one and listen more than you talk.




The takeaway


Caring for a loved one with dementia is a long journey. You will need time to accept the fact that the person you love may not be the same anymore and that you will need to take them to a nursing home so they can get the best care possible. But with the right understanding of this condition and a strong support system, you can definitely get through this journey with your loved one.




Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Facilities for Alzheimer’s

Are You a Nursing Home Resident? You Need to Know Your Rights

The decision to move into a nursing home is a huge step in your life. And as you welcome this new chapter, you might have apprehensions and doubts about what lies ahead. After all, you’ll be spending most of your senior years in a nursing home, so it’s only fitting to make sure that your stay is as comfortable and safe as possible.


But what exactly are your rights as a nursing home resident?



You have the right to live a normal life


The notion that living in nursing homes makes you different from any other senior is definitely wrong. While you are in a new community, you still have the right to live a normal life, one where you can participate in activities that are good for your well-being and those that meet your needs. You have the right to socialize with other residents, join in communal activities and do your usual routines as long as they’re safe and not restricted for you.




You have the right to be treated with the utmost respect


Nursing homes are regulated by federal and state laws to ensure that all residents are protected in every way possible. As a resident, you have the right to be treated with the utmost respect and given the independence that you desire. You should be able to make decisions for yourself about the things that you want to do including when you want to wake up in the morning, go to bed at night and eat your meals throughout the day.




You have the right to be protected from neglect and abuse


As a nursing home resident, your safety and welfare should always be looked after at all times. This means that you can’t be isolated from other residents against your will and you have the right to be protected against physical, verbal, mental and sexual abuse.



If a nursing home is neglecting your needs or you have been mistreated during your stay, you have to report it to the nursing home, your family, the State Survey Agency or your local Long-Term Care Ombudsman so proper actions can be taken. The law states that all reported violations and injuries of unknown origins should be investigated by the nursing home within five working days of the incident.




You have the right to be safeguarded against any form of discrimination


Discrimination has been a longstanding issue in the United States. This is why all nursing homes are required to follow the Civil Rights laws where no applicant shall be discriminated or not accepted into a nursing home because of color, race, disability, age, nationality or religion.



These are just some of the many rights you have as a nursing home resident, so make sure you learn all about them to know when you should file a complaint and where you should go if your rights are violated by anyone. Of course, it also helps to always let your family know of your situation so they can also help you take the right actions.


Fallbrook Assisted Living is dedicated to making sure your stay with us is incredible. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Fallbrook Assisted Living today!




Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Nursing Homes

Misconceptions about Alzheimer’s Disease and Their Dangers

People grow old – that’s a fact. We tend to forget things as we grow old – not necessarily. Even someone as young as twenty can start forgetting about things. It’s this line of thinking – that forgetting comes with age – can be quite damaging when trying to determine diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Before looking into Alzheimer’s care facilities, it’s important to consider the misconceptions of Alzheimer’s and dementia to better inform any future decisions.



Alzheimer’s Misconceptions 

Many people have long held this belief that forgetfulness comes with aging. Since Alzheimer’s affects the senior population and has to do with memory loss, many seem to think one will eventually to the other. However, that line of thinking really should change.


Yes, being old is the biggest risk of developing dementia, with Alzheimer’s being one of the kinds that can develop. However, Alzheimer’s doesn’t just affect someone who is old. The disease has affected patients as young as forty.


People need to be more aware that Alzheimer’s is caused by damage to the brain, which can affect a lot of things, including a person’s memory. It’s also a disease that gets worse as time goes by. The early stages can be manageable, with a patient suffering from lapses in memory. However, the condition gets progressively worse over time. In such times, families can look to help Alzheimer’s care facilities with memory care services for assistance.


Another of the biggest misconceptions about Alzheimer’s is that it cannot be treated. This isn’t completely accurate, especially considering the advances made in this age. Yes, the disease continues to have no cure, but those who suffer from it can take medications to help deal with its associated symptoms.



The Dangers of Not Correcting Misconceptions

Accepting what you hear from others as fact without verifying with people with actual knowledge of the situation does a lot of harm. It doesn’t take long for you to type out a few words on a search engine to get the answers you want.


The whole point of mentioning that is this: many people will cling to a “fact” long after new evidence has proved that it isn’t the case anymore. A lot of things have changed in this world over the years. For a certain generation, Pluto used to be a planet but that isn’t the case anymore.


You owe it to your loved ones to know what Alzheimer’s disease truly is. When they start exhibiting symptoms like memory loss, don’t dismiss that immediately as having to do with them getting old. More frequent episodes of forgetting can point to something much worse than losing one’s memory as one gets older. When that happens, there are Alzheimer’s care facilities that can help you out.


The same goes for treating Alzheimer’s. You are not left alone to deal with a loved one who is exhibiting symptoms. You can always turn to medication that can lessen the impact of symptoms. However, Alzheimer’s disease still remains without a cure.


Educating yourself about Alzheimer’s disease can make a difference. It’s easy to believe what others say but searching the truth for yourself can be of great benefit to you and your loved ones.




Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

assisted living facilities

The Realities of Dementia and How Memory Assisted Living Can Help

Forgetting has long been part of the aging process. When a loved one is exhibiting memory loss, it’s usually chalked up to getting old. As such, this has made spotting dementia early on quite a challenge for families. To this day, there remains no single test that can outright give a dementia diagnosis. A doctor needs to perform a series of tests to diagnose a patient with dementia.


Learning that a loved one has dementia isn’t the hardest part. Dealing with what’s to come can be quite the challenge as it forces families to make certain changes in their lives. This will require some adjustment but help is always there, one in the form of memory assisted living.



Determining Dementia

Wading through a lot of memory related medical terms can be confusing. However, being more familiar with the terms and what they truly mean can help in the long run. So in order to really understand dementia, you have to start with knowing the basics.


You can think of dementia as an umbrella term used to describe different conditions that involve the loss of memory or other abilities that affect daily living. You are already most likely familiar with the most common kind, Alzheimer’s disease.


Now that you know what dementia is, the next crucial thing to learn is spotting the disease. This is going to be a difficult task since one could easily brush off a memory loss episode as a sign of getting old. Or as some think of it, becoming “senile.”


The dictionary definition of senile describes it as an adjective used to indicate a person showing weaknesses or diseases of old age, which may include mental faculties. Many people tend to confuse senility with dementia, but there’s a way to avoid confusion. Senility has to do with getting old. Dementia occurs when brain damage has occurred.


Someone with dementia will have difficulty with a lot of things. They will find it challenging to communicate. They will frequently confused and disoriented. They will find it difficult to complete complex tasks. They will also find it daunting to plan and organize.


Those detailed above are just on a cognitive level. Changes are going to occur on the psychological level as well, and this includes personality changes, depression, inappropriate behavior, and hallucinations.


Having outlined the above, it’s easy to see how helping someone suffering from dementia can be a challenge. This is where assisted living facilities with memory care services can be of great service.



Memory-Focused Assisted Living

A memory assisted living facility is specifically focused on helping residents who have dementia and other memory related issues. This is different from a regular assisted living center which usually helps elders manage daily life better. Although that is still the goal of a facility with memory care services, it is primarily focused on helping residents suffering from memory conditions.


Living with and caring for a loved one with dementia is going to be a challenge. They have to be encouraged to do a lot of activities on top of taking medication. This can be difficult but centers like Fallbrook Assisted Living can help ease the burden.



Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

memory care assisted living

4 Things That Make Skilled Nursing Homes the Best Place for Long-Term Care

The world’s population is growing old and with it comes the need for long-term care for the elderly. In fact, approximately 1.7 million Americans live in one of the 15,000 nursing homes around the country in a year, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. These facilities offer a wide range of services depending on the type of care and the amount of time needed by the patient. One of the best options for long-term care is a skilled nursing home and here’s why:



Skilled Nursing Homes offer Specialized Services that you won’t find at a Regular Nursing Facility


Aside from offering meal preparations, senior care, and non-medical assistance, skilled nursing homes specialize in a variety of rehabilitation services and have specialized staff lie audiologists, pathologists and therapists to help patients recover following an emergency hospital stay. Skilled nursing homes also have licensed medical practitioners on site to assist patients with their needs.



Skilled Nursing Facilities are Covered by Medicare


Medicare covers up to 100 days of a patient’s stay in skilled nursing homes. This includes a semi-private room, skilled nursing care, meals, speech-language pathology, medications, medical supplies and equipment, physical and occupational therapy and dietary counseling. The first 20 days of stay at a skilled nursing facility will be completely free of charge while day 21-100 will be charged $167.50 daily, which will be paid by either insurance or the patient. For stays of more than 100 days, all costs will need to be shouldered by the patient.



A Skilled Nursing Facility has a Team of Professionals Providing Care


One of the biggest differences between a typical nursing home and a skilled nursing home is that the latter has a team of professionals offering care to patients unlike the non-medical workers in a nursing home. Here, you will find registered nurses, medical doctors, vocational nurses and rehabilitation specialists providing all the services needed by the patient to transition from the hospital to their home after full recovery.



A Skilled Nursing Facility offers Transitional Care


Most elderly patients who have been admitted to a hospital due to a medical condition or accident may need to transfer to one of the skilled nursing homes in their area after being discharged. This is to help them transition back to their personal residence smoothly by making sure that they are well enough to return to their normal life.


Although a stay in a skilled nursing facility may take a few months, it is still shorter than those in a nursing home. However, some nursing homes are also skilled nursing facilities where the patient can safely transition from the hospital to the nursing home after a hospital stay.



Whether you’re the patient or you’re caring for a loved one who needs transitional or long-term care, it’s very important to learn about the differences between nursing homes to determine which facility will suit your needs best. And while you’re at it, you should also learn about payment options and what coverage Medicare offers for your needs.




Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

memory care assisted living

Memory Care and Medicare: What You Need to Know

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Alzheimer’s disease, which affects parts of the brain that control memory, thought and language, is the most common form of dementia. In 2018, more than 5.7 million Americans are already living with Alzheimer’s disease and this is projected to reach 7.1 million by 2025.


With this growing number also comes the increasing cost of caring for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia including memory care assisted living, which is expected to reach a staggering $277 billion.


Alzheimer’s care is definitely expensive, which brings this question to mind: will Medicare cover memory care for beneficiaries with Alzheimer’s or dementia? Yes, Medicare will pay for memory care cost, but not all of it.



Here’s what you should know:


Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease


  • If you’re enrolled in Medicare Part B, you will be covered for annual wellness visits, which will include a health risk assessment that usually determines the symptoms that lead to the diagnosis of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. After a diagnosis is made, your doctor will offer advice on advance care planning options.


  • Medicare Part B will cover 80% of the cost of diagnostic tests to rule out other conditions and diagnose Alzheimer’s disease and its progression. This includes PET scans, CT scans and MRIs that are ordered by a doctor and provide useful information that will help in proper care planning.


  • Part B will pay for 100% of the approved amount for annual depression screenings provided that your doctor accepts the assignment and you get it in a primary care setting. Part B also covers all doctor visits and follow-ups and so are mental health services including counseling and occupational health therapies as long as the doctor prescribes them.


  • Medicare Part A covers inpatient care, but this might include co-payments, co-insurance costs, and deductibles depending on the type and cost of services needed. The coverage also includes all drugs prescribed during your hospital stay.


  • Only Medicare Part D, which is usually from private insurance companies, is needed for covering prescription drugs to take at home.


Middle-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease


  • Medicare offers very limited coverage during middle-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Full-time nursing care is not covered and only limited home health coverage is available and will depend upon the patient’s situation.


  • Medical care and health services prescribed by the doctor during the early stage of the disease will continue through the middle-stage.



Late-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease


  • In terms of memory care assisted living, Medicare doesn’t generally cover full-time nursing home care but offers skilled nursing care in some situations. Medicaid programs run by the state may cover long-term services, however, especially for beneficiaries with limited income. Medicare covers up to 100 days in skilled nursing homes under limited circumstances. Hospice care delivered at home, a hospice facility or nursing facility for patients who are determined by the doctor to be near the end of life is also covered by Medicare.


  • For patients in late-stage Alzheimer’s, Medicare will cover the cost of home health care for up to 35 hours a week provided that the patient is certified as “homebound.”



It’s very important to know the in-betweens of Medicare coverage for patients with Alzheimer’s disease to know which options will best help cover the cost of caring for patients with Alzheimer’s including memory care assisted living.



Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

memory care assisted living

5 Questions to Help You with Senior Housing and Long Term Care Decisions

There comes a time in your life when you will be faced with a decision to choose a senior housing facility where you will spend most of your later years. And whether you’re about to move into long-term care or it is still a few years away, it’s very important to understand the concept of senior housing and know what your options are.



To help you do just that, here are five questions that you need to ask first:



What is long-term care?


Long-term care is a set of services offered by a healthcare facility to meet the health and personal care needs of an individual during his senior years. This program is designed to help the elderly live as independently as possible while providing all the support and assistance they need to perform daily activities in a safe and secure environment.



What are the things that I should consider when choosing a senior home?



When deciding on the right senior housing, it’s very important to consider some factors:


  • Location: The senior home should not be too far away from your loved ones to make visits a lot easier and more frequent. This is especially important if you still have a spouse living at home and could not tolerate long flights and lengthy drives.


  • Services: Not all long-term care facilities are the same, so it’s very important to ask for the services that they offer, especially if you need a higher level of care due to serious medical conditions or disabilities.


  • Staff: Aside from services, you should also choose a senior housing that has a good, stable staff. When there are enough caregivers in a facility, each resident will be given the amount of time and care that they need, so you can guarantee that you have the right support whenever you need it.



How long does long-term care last?


The length of long-term care will depend entirely on your needs. Some people only require care for a few months due to a medical condition or surgery while others will stay in senior housing for a longer time to make sure that they are well taken care of and are living the best life possible.



What are my options to pay for long-term care?


Long-term care can be expensive, but there are options available to help pay for it. This includes private health insurance plans, reverse mortgages, life insurance policies, Medicare or Medicaid and personal funds. To help ensure that you have the means to pay for long-term care when it comes, make sure that you have personal savings, a sufficient retirement fund and income from investments.



Can someone help me decide on the right long-term care?


Moving into a senior home is a huge decision, so your family should be able to help you decide whether a facility is good for you or not. You can also ask advice from geriatric care managers and caregivers on the right long-term care options to choose from depending on your needs.




Are you ready to take that first step towards securing your later years?




Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper

Assisted Living

Championing Independent Living for People with Disabilities

The baby boomer generation is aging. In fact, it is estimated that 20% of the American population will be 65 years and older by 2030. In addition to this, more individuals are also suffering from disabilities caused by aging and certain medical conditions, increasing the number of people in need of proper care and support.



Unfortunately for many individuals with disabilities, there are so many barriers that hinder them from living a full, normal life. Aside from dealing with the effects of their disabilities, these individuals also need to deal with barriers including a lack of ramped entrances, a lack of interpreters and a lack of the right materials to help people with visual impairment. But thanks to independent living, individuals with a disability can enjoy a good quality of life just like everyone else.




What is independent living?


Independent living means having the same opportunities to make decisions, pursue activities that one loves and do things that everyone else does.


Independent living doesn’t always mean living on your own. It means having the right to pursue one’s passions and having the freedom to fail and learn from one’s mistakes, as any non-disabled person would do.




Where did independent living start?


The concept of independent living started during the late 1960s when a group of people with disability took active roles in decisions affecting their lives. The movement followed the philosophy that disabled people know their needs best, so they should be the ones to identify barriers and gaps in the delivery of service for them. The first center or facility was formed in Berkeley, California in 1972 and centers in Houston and Boston were also built the same year.




What are the types of independent living facilities?


Seniors with disabilities can choose from a variety of independent living facilities:


  • Continuing Care: These are communities that offer access to skilled nursing, assisting living, memory care, and independent living facilities. This enables residents to transfer from one facility to the other depending on their needs.


  • Senior Apartments: This is the most common type of facility and offers services that include meals, transportation, and recreational activities.


  • Housing Units: These are senior communities offering condominiums, duplexes, mobile homes, townhouses, and single-family homes, all of which are adjoined to an independent senior living community.


  • Subsidized Housing: This is an option offered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to low-income seniors who are in need of an independent living community.



Independent living is a huge step for people with disabilities, especially for seniors who need special care but would still want the freedom to live their lives the way they want to.



Choose Fallbrook Assisted Living and Memory Care

Thanks to independent living facilities and their staff, people with a disability already have more power to make decisions for themselves, do activities that they love, pursue their passions and live just like everyone else, all that while still getting the care and support they need. It also gives peace of mind to loved ones who want the best quality of life for family members with disabilities.




Fallbrook Assisted Living is proud to offer its services to Fremont, NE, and surrounding areas and cities: Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Ames Nickerson, Fontanelle, Arlington, Leshara, Colon, and Hooper